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What is your creative process

Whether it’s builds, artwork, writing or even lore research everyone’s got a creative process. What’s your creative process like? What steps do you take to go from start to finish and from where do you draw your inspiration? 

For me when it comes to character builds I tend to start with the gameplay mechanics first. I figure out what I want my build to be able to do and then figure out what mechanics compliment that. Once I’ve got that down I fit a theme around those mechanics and try to balance all of that with a fitting roleplay/lore direction. The end goal is to make the character feel like a believable part of the elder scrolls universe. 

I’m sure everyone has a different process and I’d like to know what’s yours.

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  • Will jump into this, soon as I get home  weekend yay!.

    • When it comes to builds and wiriting, I have to think up a character before I can start anything. Who are they? What are they like. How does thier personality and background shape how they interact with the world around them and in turn how will this effect how I play said character. Some of this is probabaly eveident in the way I make my builds. But I usually have to draft a small list of character traits before starting on a serious playthrough (one I intend to make into a build). I draw inspiration from a lot of places, but mostly it's from music, literature and other forms of media. At the end of my building/writting process it's my goal to have a very finely tuned and developed character who has a strong identity.

  • For character builds I usually have a mechanic I like which I build on. I'll look for other skills/abilities that synergize nicely with it, then I focus on roleplay and what the character would act like to have those talents.

    When writing stories I usually write better when either super anxious or extremely calm. I have a hard time just sitting down and thinking of what to write, it's usually more of a spur-of-the-moment thing. I'll have a general concept, then a sudden bout of inspiration will hit me and I'll churn out something in one sitting.

  • I am the same as Curse, builds' mechanics are my main focus. Once I have it in my head I try to replicate it as closely as possible in the game. If it is a success then I advance to everything around it. I like my character to blend into the Skyrim universe even if I am not that good on lore. Regarding the writing process, I tend to envision myself as the character to make it as visual as possible.

  • When creating character builds I also start with mechanics typically. Often, a build is born to me of a special move. Once I have the "special move" I have an idea of how the character will play using those skills and fill in the rest based on gameplay synergy/roleplay. I agree that it's really important to keep characters succinct without bogging them down with too many unique weapons/armors/skills/combos, etc. It's easy to overload a build and have it lose sight of the intended playstyle --this is something that is quite difficult for me personally. Trying to keep the character unique and focused but with enough quirks to keep gameplay interesting is the biggest challenge for me.

    • That happens to me alot when putting together a new build. When the build starts to feel like 2 builds smashed into one I l stop and thoroughly assess what I should cut out. All the excess skills/spells/combinations the build doesnt need usually end up being put aside for annother build later. 

  • For me it's mostly writing, and I'm not cohesive in my thought process at all. I'm much more of a "Make it up as you go along" kind of guy. You could probably tell that in my Tale of a Swordsman writing. I apply what first comes into my thoughts then go back over it and see what can be improved. My inspiration is usually from movies, games, and the characters in them, or simply from the genre in which I wish to write. As far as builds go, I've only made one and its entirly Stat based.

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