
  • I usually go with variations of listed D&D classes for my build names most of the time. 

    Heres a resource I frequently use:

    Class names and detailed descriptions all in one place. This wiki has helped me come up with not just names by entire  build ideas on more than one occasion. 



    3.5e All Classes - D&D Wiki
    • That’s a really in-depth list of classes, Curse. I will definitely take a look at that.

  • A world of pure imagination.

    ...That's quite literally inside my brain.

  • I also struggle with that problem, but the link that Curse commented will definitely help out. Often times, I’ll find a common word to describe my character and then look for synonyms.

  • I like to come up with a name I like and then create a build around the name. Seems backwards but it helps me with inspiration for builds

  • Lore is a good source I’d imagine.

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