Braincrab replied to Braincrab's discussion Character Build: The Arch Fenjuntiid: Foremost Will of Akatosh (Modded) in Skyrim Character Building
"Personally I used a mod to change a pair of blades gauntlets/boots into light armor (not a conversion, one of the debug/tool mods, don't remember the name), didn't wear a helmet, used whatever chest piece looked the best with them as i came across…"
Jun 17, 2022
Braincrab posted a discussion in Skyrim Character Building
 THE ARCH FENJUNTIIDFOREMOST WILL OF AKATOSH Ive wanted to share a little build that has been floating around my head, combining fast-paced combat, stealth, and magic into one tight cohesive and balanced package with plenty of very unique twists. A…
Nov 14, 2021
Braincrab posted a status
The location is incorrect. I don't want the city known. I did not, however, lie about the state.
Nov 14, 2021
Braincrab is now a member of THE SKY FORGE
Nov 14, 2021


Loma Linda, CA

How did you find this community?

I've been lurking for so long I have no idea.

What Elder Scrolls games have you played?

Skyrim, SE and regular edition

What Fallout games have you played?

Fallout 4, all DLC.

Do you get to the Cloud District often?

More often than nazeem. Does he even path up there?


Earned points: 465
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Pirates of Tamriel - Contest Gold

