The Seducer The main premise for this build was based off the Khulari originally, but I'm not really sure about that now. Name: Jaihanah Race: Redguard vampire Gender: Female Skills: Major: Alteration, Sneak, Illusion, Speech Minor: One-handed Enchanting Stat spread:? Read more… Started by Lord Cheesewheel
The Grand Adept So I've been playing a lot of ESO recently and I loved the idea of the Khajiiti wind monks. I'm not at all sure what to do with this build, but it would be unarmed, lightly armoured (using ordinator light armour tree) and would use some forms of mag Read more… Started by Lord Cheesewheel
Sword-Singer This build is an unarmoured, two-handed build which relieson alteration for its armour stats. Mods needed: Imperious Ordinator Andromeda - standing stones of skyrim Royal Armory Mods recommended: Apocalypse Redguard Traders with Mounts (Adds a bunch of new Read more… Started by Lord Cheesewheel