nystee's Discussions (6)

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Contest Build: The Twisted Jester

3958501669?profile=RESIZE_180x180Hello everyone and welcome to my second contest build. I have been enjoying vanilla Skyrim, learning a bunch of stuff and this contest seemed like the perfect time to finish something I had in mind for a few months. I've heard a lot of good stuff abo

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Event build: The Arrow of Talos

3500241832?profile=RESIZE_710x3689489976?profile=RESIZE_710xThis build is a collaboration between nystee and SeconHandGamer54.

 Hello everyone and welcome to our submission for the event: Stories of Skyrim. I have been thinking about this build for a long time and I was very happy to find that I and SeconHandG

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what's your hobbies?

It is quite obvious that everyone on the Forge has an interest in Elder Scrolls games, but I'm sure yall have other stuff you like to do. If anybody would like to share his/her that would be cool.

I am a huge fan of martial arts, I have practiced Judo

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Contest Build: The Hafgufa


You were the scout of your crew, following the orders of the captain you worked on operations behind the scenes. From gathering Intel, stealing specific valuables to neutralizing key targets, every shadow job was for you. You were skilled with a bla

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Looking for a teamate for the current Event

Hi guys , I tried messaging a couple of guys but I had no luck. So I'm trying to find a teamate for the Pirate of Tamriel build event. If you want to tag along send me a friend request, I am new and it's going to be my first build, it's kind of overw

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