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So I'd just completed Waking Nightmare with my current character, and as I was going through the whole level, looking at the sweet robes the worshippers had and watching Erandur prepare to destroy the Staff of Corruption, a thought occurred in my head. I could kill Erandur, and rebuild the Vaermina Cult using the Guild Starter Mod I have, and maybe add some other mods to improve the aspect.

I didn't. I destroyed the staff obviously.

But if I HAD, I could've made it sweet, even if Vaermina isn't my most favorite.

So I have two questions for yall:

- What mod(s) do you use that you really enjoy for expanding your RP experiences in Skyrim?
- Which deity is your favorite to worship/fight for? If you don't have one, which is your least disliked?

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • I don't know if it technically qualifies as an RP mod, but I can't do without Interestinf NPSs. The mod adds countless really well detailed and voiced NPCs, almost all of which have many dozens of lines of dialogue. Many offer quests and some can even be followers.
  • I think I usually end up fighting for Arkay, with how many undead, necromancer's, and vampires I end up destroying.
    As for mods that enhance rp, immersive armors and immersive weapons add a lot for me, since I spend alot of time smithing and I find that one of the key definition of a character are what they have equipped in the 10 or so slots.
    • Have you tried a mod called Honed metal?
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    • Does Sithis have an antithesis? Like perhaps the All-Maker, a source of life and father of creation? Or does Sithis really have no equal?
      • I dont think he does. Sithis isn't so much a being as he is the representation of a concept, which in this case is nothingness, or the void. Nothing out there specifically embodies or represents existence itself I don't think.
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        • You sure you don't wanna host the lore group? That's impressive knowledge.
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                    • I have no idea why your stairs have to do with it whatsoever anyway.
        • Thanks for filling me in! It is really interesting that the force of existence is not the force of life in the Elder Scrolls universe, but I suppose it is correct that stasis cannot be the force of life either.
  • As a PS4 player, I don't have too many options for RP and it has been awhile since I went searching for new ones, but gameplay changes and combat changes help with RP a bit. PS4 does have a simplistic Smilodon and some aesthetic immersion mods which are nice.

    As far as deities, I would most likely side with some Daedra as they are more active in the lives of mortals. Sanguine is probably my favorite. Pretty cool outlook on life, albeit the extremely dark sided implications of his nature. Sheogorath is another I have always loved. I also have begun to really like Mehrunes Dagon. Dude is one ambitious dude *wink wink*.

    Aedra not so much. But if I had to choose a few favorites, I would go with Stendarr or Mara.

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