
Welcome to the Story Corner. This is a laid back, friendly place where people of all levels and skills can write creatively and share their stories with other like-minded individuals who enjoy reading and telling stories.

It doesn't matter if you're the next Stephen King or someone whose never written anything longer than a paragraph at a time. If you like writing and reading fan-fiction this is the place for you. So write a few words, or read a few stories. No one knows where the journey will take you and no one can guess what kind of colorful characters you'll meet on the way.

Don't know where to begin reading? Check out our Library of Contents for a running list of completed and incompleted works! Make sure to leave a like and comment!


If you're needing some for inspiration to begin writing, take a look at the Writing Prompts Introduction on the Featured Works tab! There you can learn about our monthly writing prompts and maybe even find a solid launching point for your next short story or novel!

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Skytales: A Story Corner Event

Hail, scholars and adventurers alike! Its been awhile since we have had an event here in the Story Corner, but with Telby's recent proposition of a casual build event, it seems appropriate to do a complimentary one here in the Story Corner. ~ Theme ~ This writing event has a simple theme: Character Builds on the Skyforge. We have a very active and talented building community here on the Forge. Some builds are created as specific characters, while some have more vague personalities and…

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18 Replies · Reply by Chris Diokno Jun 19, 2023

C.o.t.W Chapter 158: A Dog Without A Bone

Haisr arrived at the hut in the middle of the oasais, climbed the steps and approached Vatalia."I did as you asked. The black dog wo'nt bother anyone again." Vatalia smiled; it look more like a grimace than a smile, Hasir thought. To him it looked as if she was holding back some troubling thought."Hasir... erm... I don't know how to say this, but those deer that you killed... were Hircine and Kynareth's favorite forms." Hasir looked taken aback by this; his eyes narrowed and fangs bared. "Not…

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A Tale of the North: An Elder Scrolls Story

Hey, friends. Just discovered this Story Corner and, since I have a fond love for writing stories of any caliber - well, mostly considering the fact I actually am writing an Elder Scrolls story at the moment - I thought I'd try my hand and post my own in here.The title of this saga is "A Tale of the North" and follows the story of Bronmir North-Wind (though, in the beginning, he knows himself as Bronmir, Son of Kessar, and not as a North-Wind). I've posted my North-Winds a few times in this…

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7 Replies · Reply by helenascrolls Feb 25

C.o.t.w Chapter 157: The Sands Beyond the Stars

 Hasir got up and looked around, confused, as the portal of vertically swirling sands closed behind him. He saw nothing but barren wasteland stretching far in every direction. He heard nothing except for the distant shimmering of stared that looked like far off diamonds and the trickling of a stream. He was so parched of thirst; it was almost as if the very sea of sand was crashing over the scales rocks, leaving them cracked and dry. Hasir moved through the sand like a mosquito starved for…

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Silence of the Void: Chapter 4

Chapter IVThe HistLegate Cimber strode across the battlement, casting his troubled gaze out to the surrounding mangroves. How he wished to leave this Black Marsh and go anywhere else in Tamriel.He nodded to the two Argonian guardsmen who stood under the shelter outside the Lilmoth barracks. The Lilmothian lizardfolk had seemed on edge since the earthquake. The storm was getting worse too and Cimber had to hang his aegean cape to dry inside the council room.He stood over the circle table and…

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C.o.t.W Chapter 156: The Black Crown

Hasir and Inigo left the building and walked through the walkway; Hasir told Inigo to stow the armor away since it was far too valuable to wear out in the open. He said it might get inadvertantly tarnished. Inigo ablidged, took of his armor and placed it into his bag. Not liking the feeling of being stark naked, he took out a white miner's shirt and brown trousers and put them on. Seeing his friend devoid of the armor, he smiled. His smile faltered slightly as he thought of the impressive…

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0 Replies · Reply by Hasir Feb 21

Silence of the Void: Chapter 3

Chapter IIIBright-Throat VillageAmuzei peeked through a bush while lying on the mushy ground and saw a mud-brick road snaking through the dense mangrove trees. A couple of salamanders were approaching with their hatchlings from the other side, a potentially fatal exodus for the reptiles so low in the food chain of the Marsh.“Clear stream,” he said, rejoining Ulene where she crouched beside a huge moss-covered rock.“Then we have arrived?” She asked.“Aye, perhaps an hour by the road and no sign…

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3 Replies · Reply by helenascrolls Feb 17

C.o.t.W Chapter 155: The Sands of Time

Inigo stopped in front of a dark alleyway with cobblestone mixed sand streets and dragon statue arched walkways. Hasir called out to the khajiit to be careful about venturing down dark alley. Inigo ignored him, saying this was something that he felt he had to do; being led by some invisible force. Hasir sighed resiegnedly and followed his apparently past-driven lost-in-the-swamp friend. Hasir heard Inigo noisily loosed a mucus arrow over his the arm of his dragonscale armor. Hasir looked away…

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Silence of the Void: Chapter 2

Chapter IIMurkmireAmuzei propelled through a wide opening, pushing a huge handful of water behind him and kicking his webbed feet. He had wrapped his other arm around Ulene's back and held her head against his chest to protect her as they glided through the underwater cave.He had carried her for several minutes, racing past aggressive eels and through a narrow and jagged passageway. He breathed water the same as air, but he knew her Dunmer physiology granted her no such ability.Amuzei grabbed a…

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Silence of the Void: Chapter 1

Silence of the Voidan Elder Scrolls fanficwritten by HelenaDark waters await you, Dryskin. May the Hist embrace you.3E 433, 21st of Last Seed, one week before the assassination of the Emperor, Uriel Septim VII.Chapter IBlackrose PrisonAmuzei entered the subterranean execution chamber, escorted by a pair of Imperial guards in plate armor.Moss grew on the walls and floor, thriving in the warm humidity of the room. A stone block sat in the center, accompanied by two solemn women and an Imperial…

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C.o.t.W. Chapter 154: The Tower of Souls

When the khajiit exited the sqaure opening, he saw multiple altars - at least that's what he thought they were - and stood before a giant staircase flanked by pentagram flags on poles. He ascended the stairs and approached the vampire behind the bar."Excuse me, but, er, would you happen to know where I can find a bunny?" The vampire looked at him skeptically; wondering if he should trust him or just drink his blood."We have lots of pets here; taken by Lord Bal's minions from their owners. Go…

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  • I love writing, but do the stories HAVE to be based in the world of the Elder Scrolls? I would post some of my stories if they didn't have to be TES based.
    • Are they loosely fantasy based? If so I don't see why not. I want to encourage rather than discourage activity
      • Yeah, they are all medieval-fantasy like the world of Oblivion and Skyrim
  • Okay hopefully I can help increase activity in this group :D Working on it
  • Does anybody have any real interest in this group? Its not got that many members and I feel like everybody kind of just ignores it. At least it's not as bad as the Modding group D: lol
    • We'll grow more eventually as a site, so all groups will grow. I do enjoy a good story every now and then, but (like most people) I don't recognize myself as a writer.
    • It takes committed people to generate the interest in any given group. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I'm sure other writing enthusiasts from every which corner would love to help get a new story corner on its feet.
      • That is very true. I will ask around tomorrow or later today if anybody is interested in getting the Story Corner up and running. Because right now only 2 people including me have posted topics :P Hopefully we'll get some new authors in the group soon enough!
        • I will posting my ToC shortly. From experience, story groups work better whwn stories are posted
          • Im working on some stories myself :)
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