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This topic was in one of the favorites post, but as someone suggested, some of the questions deserve their own posts. So heres my question, what is your favorite dungeon, cave, or tunnel. What happens in the dungeon, and why is it your favorite? What makes it stand out to You. Mine would have to be the Soul Cairn. Its not really a dungeon per say but a realm. Im going to count it anyways. You enter a giant hole in the ground with dead people in it, so... Good enough.

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  • I no longer remember the names but there were 2 dungeons with the Moth Priest questline that I liked a lot. The first is when you actually go get the Moth Priest from those vamps. It is a small dungeon but the layout, story and combat features were tons of fun. There were multiple ways to attack the vamps and every character type has a chance to do so in a different way.

    The second is the cave/dungeon where you have to catch butterflies. Yeah I know, catching 5 groups of butterflies is boring. What I like is the entrance, fighting your way in. The first time you play it you think it's going to be a normal narrow cave but it opens up into a beautiful "room" with several aspects you find nowhere else. It ends in an ambush which I did not survive on my first go.

    Honorable mention goes to Blackreach. Lots of Falmer and their animals to kill. It has it's own secret indoor dragon. Exploring it takes a long time. I liked the idea of mining my own soul gems, it's a great RP feature. There is a hard to find throne near the ceiling and down low is a creek that is fun to explore. Then there is that freaking giant! What the hell is he doing in there? What's his story?

    • Wait there's a giant in Blackreach?
      • Yeah he is just roaming around a certain part of it, what I think of as "the right" of the dungeon. Its near where you exit, sort of. Nobody knows if he has a reason to be there or if it was a programming error or what is going on.

  • My favorite dungeon is hands down the Forgotten Vale. You got falmer ambushes, dragons, ancient temples all within one of the most breathtakingly beautiful locations ever put together by Bethesda.
    • I like that one too. There are a lot of unique and beautiful dungeons in the game especially in the DLCs.

  • Made a edit to the discussion. You know somebody is wayyy short on time when he puts the midden as his favorite dungeon.
    • Midden is pretty cool in its own right. If you have access to mods, however, I highly recommend 'Immersive College of Wintrhold'. It expands greatly on every aspect of the college including the midden.
  • Despite having invested hundreds of hours into Skyrim, compared to others, I still haven’t even scratched the surface of the game. Call me boring and basic for choosing a dungeon that I’m pretty sure everyone has cleared and discovered, but Bleak Falls Barrow is definitely my favorite dungeon. Bleak Falls Barrow was the first dungeon I ever saw when I played Skyrim and seeing it across the river by the guardian stones was amazing. Not only that but it was the first dungeon I ever cleared, and I’m sure the same can be said for most Skyrim players. The interior is just as memorable with puzzles and different enemies you face. But if you take out all the nostalgia of this dungeon, the thing that really strung together this dungeon for me was in the boss room. When you first walk in, you are swarmed by a flurry of bats that really scared me the first time I went through, and after that if you look up, you’re faced with a beautiful rocky ceiling that opens up, with light shining through the little holes dotted across it. There are also 2 “hidden” treasure chests in that room that I didn’t know of until well over 100 hours into the game. One is located by a small waterfall to the left of the boss/wordwall and the other is right behind the word wall.

    If I had to choose another dungeon, off the top of my head I can think of Yngol’s Barrow and Ustengrav. Even though Yngol’s Barrow doesn’t have any enemies beside Yngol’s Spirit/Shade, the puzzle really made it stand out for me. It’s a relatively simple puzzle, but I enjoyed reading the book that gave me clues to the answer. Ustengrav can be considered another nostalgic dungeon since it’s part of the main questline as well, but when I first cleared it, I was so confused with the Whirlwind sprint puzzle and at the end, I was scared and surprised from the screen shaking as pillars erupted from the water. It was also the first time I failed a quest.
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