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Favorite and Least Favorite Questlines

What quest lines in Skyrim did you most enjoy and which ones have you least enjoyed, and why? If you don't feel strongly about any questline in Skyrim, feel free to answer this question in regards to any Elder Scrolls or Fallout game you wish.

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  • I freaking hate the first 15 minutes of the game, everything up to unlocking shouts. I did it all a thousand times, please make it stop.

    My favorite questline, long after I stopped playing, has got to be the full main quest. It has a great story with great locations and great enemies.

    • I've used alternate start mods so often that the vanilla intro is actually refreshing to see once in a while.
  • I love the Dark Brotherhood, its probably my favorite. I am really sensitive for some reason and I cried when I had to kill Astrid xD #noshame
    The main quest was good besides that one quest in Blackreach. I hate that quest SO MUCH.
  • The Dark Brotherhood questline has always been my favorite, Companions my least. TDB quest line has also been interesting and exciting to play, whereas the companions quest line is so boring and repetitive. Granted, receiving a contract and killing a target is repetitive as well but it's more exciting for me. I actually enjoy it and there are multiple ways to get the job done such as using a bow and arrow, daggers, poisons, spells, etc. 

    • considering the only quest lines I've completely are Thieves, Dark Brotherhood, Companions, and College of Winterhold, I don't have many options to choose from.

      • Damn, you have to play that main questline to completion at least once. It is well worth the trouble.

  • Hands down my favorite quest line has and will always be the Dawnguard quest line. Many things make the quest line very enjoyable. The story behind it is very well written, and the characters are both interesting and memorable.

    But what I consider it's best feature are the incredibly beautiful and jaw dropping locals you get to visit along the way. Bethesda out did themselves in particular with the Forgotten Vale. It's one of those places I could explore for hours and not get bored.

    My least favorite quest line? Easily the Bards College Quest line, if it can even be called that. You'd figure a college dedicated to singing and poetry would be a lot more interesting than the obviously half baked shit that spans all of one mission.

    It's one of the most memorable let downs I've experienced in Skyrim. Seriously if anyone knows of a mod that greatly expands on this faction, let me know.
    • You literally said "You'd figure a college dedicated to singing and poetry would be a lot more interesting".

      Since when is singing and poetry generally all that interesting to most people? I liked that the Bards College quest was short and sweet. I liked the oddball ceremony it had. I loved the speech boost I got from them too.

      • Bards tend to be a very unique and interesting class in most Rpg settings. Given that, I had high expectations for the Bards College.
        • Yes they are unique and that ceremony they had was a unique one. Bards are always near the bottom of the faction totem pole, so they will probably never get a lot of effort in RPGs unless it is one of the primary goals for the game.

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