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Favorite TES game?

JakeTheInventor with a question for all, obviously we've all played Skyrim and its a great game. But I've heard people say that Oblivion is the best TES game, while others argue that Morrowind is. Personally Skyrim was the first TES game I've played and probably my favorite. I was somewhat disappointed when i first played Oblivion but have grown to appreciate the game for what it is and I'm having a lot of fun with my breton mage. As for Morrowind, I'm currently in my first playthrough as my Dunmer warrior, and I'm having fun with it so far. Probably wont ever get to Arena or Daggerfall, but if you've played them, what is your opinion on them and let me know which of the 5 main games was your favorite and why. Thank you for your time.TL;DR: Whats your favorite elder scrolls game?

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  • Morrowind has a deep story line and great lore to explore but it's dated graphics and dull as dishwater NPCs (some not all) make it hard to play.

    Overall skyrim is where it's at for me. I love its largely free and open concept to character creation. You can be any class or combination of class you want. Not to mention the modding community has worked wonders with skyrim.
  • Redguard is my favorite! No no, just kidding. It's really awful.
    I actually like the aesthetic games of Morrowind era were going for (looking at you, Gothic). And NPCs are wayyy more interesting than those of Skyrim. And I like the fact that in Morrowind stats really do matter. The only bad thing I could say about it is that the MQ is not engaging enough (I've never finished it, mind you), but same can be said about Skyrim.

    Oblivion, on the other hand, oh boi. You see, it's my favorite. Best combat mechanics, awesome magic system, varied landscape, bestiary on par with DD, engaging MQ, intriguing NPCs and sidequests, and the best DLC ever in existence! Don't even get me started on beautiful aesthetics, best graphics award from me. Oh, and it's the only TES game to handle magic system properly.

    Skyrim? Boring mountains, terrible quests (both MQ and SQ), static combat, obnoxious quest markers and tutorial, too easy, stupidly expensive DLC, stats don't matter. The only good things are build potential and armor design.

    Arena is a good relaxation. Thanks to it's repetitive nature and lack of necessity to think.
    • Just two words: "Horse Armor"

      • Horse armor was a low point, for sure. I felt similar about Hearthfire.
        • Hearthfire added a lot of roleplay potential, i just imagine that after my dragonborn defeats alduin, stops the vampire threat and then confronts his most powerful foe (Miraak) he feels as though theres not much left and so he decides to settle down and relax with his new family. (Although I've yet to finish building a house lmao)
      • Not for PS3
  • Just skyrim for me.
  • I have Oblivion and Morrowind in my Steam library, but all I've ever played was Skyrim. I can't say much about the other two games since I haven't played them, but I do love Skyrim. It's the first Elder Scrolls game I've played and given that I've invested 1,000+ hours into it, I have pretty fond memories of it.

    • You should give both oblivion and morrowind a try. The leveling definitely isnt what you'd be used to when all you've played is skyrim, but just stick with it and you'll get the hang of it. I'd say start with oblivion first and play a mage character, even if you prefer stealthy or warrior characters, play a mage. Morrowind doesnt even have a quest marker so you'd be running around balmora for hours trying to find the blades agent, so i wouldn't expect you to like that one.
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