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Favorite Follower

    I've played Skyrim since it came out, and in that time I have either recruited, let die, or killed every follower in the Vanilla game. My favorite follower is Marcurio from Riften because of how useful he is in combat. He will also marry you after you pay him 500 gold, which is scarily similar to real life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

So now the question: Who is your favorite follower in the game, they can be from skyrim, oblivion, etc. Make sure to explain why, is it their backstory, ability in combat, their looks *cough* Serana *cough*


Note: I was gone for about 5 months, so if anyone has made a similar post please let me know i will remove it as soon as possible. Thank You!

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • Serana all the way. 

  • Depends on the type of character I’m playing. With stealth characters I prefer to go it alone. Other than that I tend to pair long range focused characters with long range focused followers, and melee with melee. 

    That being said, Frea is easily the best melee follower and J’zargo is among the best ranged options, IMO of course. 

  • I actually prefer all of the hired mercenaries especially Teldryn Sero. Spellsword with a tendency to summon flame atronachs. Versatile and self sufficient.

  • I don’t like any of them to be honest. 

    • That’s odd, why not?

    • Even poor little Meeko?

    • They get lost easy and they’re weak. It’s easier if I go it alone.

  • I agree with MarcusG, I don't use followers much. My recent playthrough as a support character using followers went horribly wrong and most of the time I don't go deep enough to pick up any noticeable followers. The most memorable one for me would have to be Faendal due to how early you can pick him up and how useful he is. He's deadly with a bow and is essentially a free archery trainer up to level 50.

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