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There are some people who make god like builds, dragonplate armour and weapons fully enchanted.... And then theres people who find a fork and decide its the greatest weapon ever. In fact i made a build using chaos damage, a fork, and illusion. So heres my question. Whats the most intresting/ playfull build you've ever made?

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  • A friend and I made a build about a really slutty lizard once. Joking aside the lusty argonian maid is probably my most peculiar, off the wall build.

    Overpowered builds are boring as rocks in my opinion. The real fun is with well balanced builds with clearly defined strengths and weaknesses. Even an underpowered build is more enjoyable than an overpowered build because there's enjoyment in challenge.
    • The only Overpowered build that I'd find fun is Molag Bal's Champion. :P

      The closest thing I've made to a playful build is that time I played "The Burglar".

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    • Tell me about it. Nothing irks me more than power gamers when it comes to skyrim. To them, unless your wearing dragon plate armor with a 4 digit armor rating you're doing it wrong.
    • I guess they don't know anything about the game, like how it has an AR cap or how almost all forms of offense can be more powerful than you need it to be. Punching dragons is still hard to pull off.

      • No they don't strike me as the kind of players who have the faintest understanding of the games mechanics. I see a lot of posts in skyrim Facebook groups where people like to show off weapons with over 500+ damage. I just shake my head knowing my characters could do twice as much on the same difficulty setting with none of that crap.
  • Them power gamers are not crazy enough to post builds for a six years old game.
    • There's much evidence to the contrary out there.
  • Conjuration archer is the playstyle which brings me the most fun across Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. There's something oddly captivating about packing arrows into your foes while hiding behind summoned meatshields.
    • I guess no one shares my opinion.
      • I know, it's cowardly. But it's enjoyable as well.
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