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Massive Multi-World FO76 Faction Building

Hey everyone! You might have noticed the poll that went up on the Forge's homepage recently. This is a discussion for all of you who voted to elaborate on why you chose what you did, or even suggest new ideas.

In case anyone needed some clarification, the idea here is that we would create a player-run faction that would hopefully grow exponentially to become the core guild for players to go to who wanted to join a specific faction. Since there are no humanoid NPCs in Fallout 76, any faction you join has to be based on players. We wanted to jump in early, and establish a Skyforge-affiliated faction that would grow and grow and hopefully become the unofficial representation of the faction in Appalachia. As you can see, we've generated some options for the poll, but are open to other suggestions. 

So with that said, have at, and let us know what your thoughts are. 

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • I voted for raiders simply because it just makes the most sense and the set up for it is perfect. 

    The game’s vast open world and lack of any clear cut direction lends itself perfectly to losing sense of one’s original purpose of reclaiming the wasteland. The world itself is harsh, unforgiving, and just about every breathing thing in it wants to kill you. Add to that the constant need to scavenge, often times having to resort to murdering other players, and you have the perfect set up for initially well intentioned vault dwellers descending into barbarism just to survive. 

    • That is a fair point. Raiders would be my second option, but I went with the Responders simply because we really don't have the oppertunity to do anything like it in other Fallout games. 

  • I went for the Responders. While they are sorta joinable, and I use joinable very loosely here, there is now actual faction to join really. Having a player-run Responders faction could be super neat. This faction is kinda unique among most Fallout factions because it's sole purpose to help people survive the wasteland. It's a bit of a refresher for me to see humanity responding somewhat positively. 

    Also, from a gameplay standpoint, it could be really beneficial to everyone on the server. We could build up massive CAMP sites that would provide services to traveling players. For example, a trading hub, a medic CAMP with a running pharmacy, a policeman guild, etc. ect. Running that sort of thing for other players could be pretty rewarding, and it's also a unique way to experience the game. We've never really had the oppertunity to do this in any other Fallout game, because AI simply doesn't respond to the wasteland the way players will. Yeah, you've got settlers, but they aren't near the same. Actually interacting with actual people, and doing your best to help them out . . . that would be super fun.

    We could even have subsects of the Responders. In the in-game lore, it says it consisted of "Medics, Firefighters, Policemen, etc." If we could get people interested in one of these subdivisions, and even devise our own, that could be a really fun way to accomodate people with multiple playstyles. We could even appoint heads of each subsect of the Responders to give people a leadership role to worktowards, or something like that.

    As you can see I've got several ideas of been mulling over for this possibility. Anything anyone else can countribute would be great. 

  • What about the Followers of Apocalypse introduced in New Vegas? 

    • Pretty sure they'd been around since Fallout 2, though I might be mis-remembering

    • Who are those guys again?

      • I'm with Curse. I'm lost on this one. 

        • They're the group Caesar was a part of when he was still Edward Swallows. Theyre basically a group of doctors and scholars trying to do good in the world, spreading knowledge and medicine. Arcade Gannon is a member of them

          • What he said. Also the Followers are pacifists. 

            • Personally I think a pacifist character might be very hard to pull off in 76, particularly if everyone else in your faction is also a pacifist. Because of this the Responders may be a better option IMHO

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