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With that being said, post away and have fun!



Sheogorath's Thing That He's Doing

Greetings mortals! Old uncle Sheo here with a little treat for you all. I'm going to do a thing! ...I think. I can't remember, what thing was I supposed to do again?


...Oh right! Today I'll be doing something a little different. This thing will be an interesting little waste of time, and is in no way an attempt at ol' BB to procrastinate from updating his pirate's chronicle! I know a lotta ya have been out and about in old Skyrim, doing things your parents would disown you for doing. (I mean really, why would you do that to the poor dragon?) And I'll bet you've met some fun little colors during your visit too. Which one's your favorite? Red? Green? Mine's yellow, because that's the color of cheese! Or was it Aurorans?

...Anywho, throw your favorite quote my way, and I'll respond as the kindly gentleman I am; with lots of gibberish nonsense! and maybe a tip or two. I hear that iceberg tips are pretty popular this time around. 

...Well what are you waiting for? Get posting! And don't even think about skimming this one over; I'm watching you from outside the windows.

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • Skyrim belongs to the Nords!!

    • Well technically it belongs to the Snow Elves. But if you "really" want to get technical, it technically belonged to the Mudcrabs first. Technically anyways. Ha! Betcha feel bad now don't ya? They were just mindin' their business and being Mudcrabs, then those blasted elves showed up and froze em all! ...That's what Snow Elves do right? Freeze things? Or did they make snowmen? Or would that be snowelves? *gasp* They were mass producing!!

    • It belongs to me. I’m the one who bought the game. 

  • Well since were doing random bandit quotes...

    “You’ll make a fine rug, cat!”

    ...been playing as a khajiit lately.

    • Nah, they make something even better. Mops! You have any idea how absorbant their fur is if you dip them in just the right stuff? I do. It's a family secret however. I MIGHT be willing to share it for you for... oh how about, an Orcish Battleaxe, half a sweetroll, and your firstborn sheep?

  •   So your the newest member of our dwindling, dysfunctional little family.

    • We could make that the forge’s welcome message for new members, and we wouldn’t have to change a thing. 

      •   I would love to see that. It has always been my favorite quote, and i think it would fit well as a welcoming message.

    • That I am! But let's be honest, isn't every family a little bit dysfunctional? Just look at Carlotta Valentina and her daughter. An absolute mess they are! Having a normal life, making an honest living, and enjoying almost every day with big grins? You know what they "really" need? A Draugr horde attack! Oh that'll be one hell of a story to tell the wives in the Wind District! I mean, if they survive anyways.

  • What is better? To be born good or overcome your evil nature through great effort?


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