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Stamina in RPGs

Why the hell is stamina a thing in RPGs? All it does is limit what you can do. There are rarely, if ever, positives to having stamina in a game.

So what if I can sprint forever? I can use potions to create that effect anyway.

So what if I can power attack forever? Quick attacks from my opponent should turn my attacks into a disadvantage.

So what if I can zoom in while holding a bow/gun forever? How is limited focus a fun addition to games?

Do you actually enjoy how stamina is used in RPGs, particularly Skyrim and Fallout?

Do you know of any games that effectively use stamina to make the game better?

What are some uses of stamina from games that make stamina a fun feature?


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  • I'll take Dragon's dogma as an example. There it is used for running and "special attacks". Which includes combos, as well as spells (there's no mana pool). For example, "normal attacks" for mage there is a very weak bolt of energy and a staff hit. But using stamina allows you to use more powerful attacks, as well exploiting your opponent's weaknesses.
    If I could just spam my most powerful "special attack", battles would be much less entertaining and more boring.

    To sum up, in most cases stamina adds a layer of complexity to combat which makes it less bland.

    Stamina in Fallout? What?
    • AP is pretty much Fallout's version of stamina.

      • I wouldn't say so. It's for vats, not for running.
        • You use AP when running too. You use AP when doing power attacks with melee weapons. You use AP when bashing with a gun. It is the same as in Skyrim except for the addition of VATS.

          • I haven't played FO4
    • Couldn't Dragon's Dogma just call it mana and let you run as much as you want?

      • No, because all classes use it this way. Mage was just an example.
        Playing an archer, you'd use it to, say, fire six arrows at once, which falls into the same category of stamina-requiring attacks.
    • yeah, but the travel in DD is really frustrating because of the stamina cunsumtion of sprinting.

      • Not as frustrating when you have a nice portcrystal spread.
        Moreover, I'd rather call it an additional experience-enriching strategic layer of gameplay than a frustration.
  • Personally I don't have a strong opinion on the limitations imposed by stamina. It's there and I find ways to work with it. Or in the case of Skyrim I can thank bethesdas programmers for giving me at least a dozen ways to get around it.
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