Welcome to the General Discussion Group. This is a catch-all group for any kind of discussion whether is has anything to do with elder scrolls, fallout, or video games in general or  not. Discuss whatever you want here, but please observe our ground rules.

 1. You can discuss (almost) anything, but please respect everyone! Do not "bash" other people's beliefs or views, and do not be disrespectful. If we see misconduct here, you will be removed from the group.

2. No discussion related to pornography, pirating, or anything that violates Ning's Terms of Service are permitted here. 

3. Racist, sexist, homophobic remarks are not allowed at any time. 

With that being said, post away and have fun!



This thread is made for everyone to share their made up puns, quips, jokes and so on about the elder scrolls universe.

Quality will not be filtered so be warned: It could get really dumb.


I´ll start:

What science would an argonian practice?




For how long did the N`wah leave vardenfell?


-He left to nerevar come back.



You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • That red-haired Stormcloak soldier at the beginning of the game really got, a-head of himself.
  • In my country the use of puns is punishable by death...

    • So, you live in Canada?
  • How did the redguard break his toe?

    He was building a house, and his hammerfell.
    • Oh that's a clever one.

  • Why are the Khajiit not allowed in the holds of skyrim?

    -Because they are all supposed to be ELSWEYR!

  • Why was the Spriggan executed? Because it was a member of the Bark Brotherwood.
    • Oh, oh...
    • Oh my, I'm loving it!
  • What is Michael Kirkbride's favorite alchemy ingredient?
    - C0da flower
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