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Thoughts on the Idea of Roleplay Chronicles

Greetings, sera. Recently I've come to realize just how much I tend to clutter the images section with my pictures of my characters. Obviously it'll become a problem to some of the other members if their interesting images get swallowed by 10+ storyline pics. So I decided to create a thread specifically for the story of my current character, Adean Lellrd, as well as each character I make thereafter.

My question is: Who among you would like to see this become an acknowledged "thing"? The idea would be, that you create a thread with its own tag (RP:chronicle) where you would post your character's story through various fashions. It could be images, snippets of story from their adventures, journal entries written by the characters, or any combination of the three.

I'd like your opinions on this subject.

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  • Well, yeah. The way it has been so far, we risked some hidden gems of pictures being buried. I can't say much more, cuz I'm not that much of a roleplayer.
    • I deleted a good deal of Adean Lellrd's images in lieu of his new Chronicle.

      • If people are going to post a bunch of pictures about a characters story, then yeah i like the idea. Good stuff blackblood
  • I like this idea very much black blood
  • I like this idea, it'll  be easier to follow along too.

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