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What Crazy New Concept Will Replace Shouts?


Shouts are a staple of many Skyrim character builds, which leaves me wondering what might Bethesda dream up to replace them in Elder Scrolls 6. What are your thoughts? Do you think shouts are here to stay or will something else take their place?

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    • Id be fine with shouts being dethroned as a central mechanic in the game. Perhaps it could be revisited as a side quest in the form of learning a shout from a greybeard the good ole fashion way everyone else has to. 

    • I really like that first idea, it seems very interesting. It makes race choice more than a choice of roleplay/lore but gameplay also.

      • Man, since when picking a race isn't a gameplay choice?
        • Its more accurate to say that ultimately race isnt typically a significant gameplay choice.

        • Well, it seems to me that nobody really chooses to play a Nord for Battle Cry, or Imperial for Voice of the Emperor, etc. There have been builds made that places a huge emphasis on a racial power like Argonian Histskin or Orc Berserker Rage, but those are rare. There's only so much you can do in terms of huge gameplay differences due to race selection from what Bethesda gave us in Skyrim. Small details like Breton 25% Magic resist do help and builders may choose Breton for that reason, but it's very minuscule, especially in comparison to the build as a whole. You can easily accomplish the same thing playing as a Nord rather than Breton for Curse's Hexblade. Honestly, the majority of well made builds that are created now places more of an emphasis on role play and lore.

          tl; dr as Curse more accurately stated, race selection does factor into gameplay, but it's not significant, especially in comparison to the build as a whole. What I'm trying to say in the previous comment was that I hope TES6 race selection makes more of an impact, for example Nords being able to use Shouts while other races can't, as Henson mentioned above.
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            • So to sum it up, you want the same style of racial powers like Skyrim had but with multiple unique racial powers for each race?

          • I read your thoughts on battle cry, and then almost immediately remembered that I made the night reaver build a Nord specifically for the battle cry ability.
    • I don't like the "each race gets their own" part. In concept I agree that it would be interesting but it is lore-horrifying. It would be as if all Nords can use Shouts. Only a select few can do it and only with a ton of training, unless they are Dragonborn.

      With the leaks pointing to Akavir, what sort of provincial power would be appropriate?

  • i feel like a drastically diversified collection of spells would more than make up for the lack of spells. I just want an list of spells and crazy exotic effects.

    On its surface Skyrim seems to offer limited ability to explore various fantasy archetypes. The game has really forced us to use our imagination (I swear that frost spell is water magic), and sometimes even play pretend.
  • I guess my next question tied to this topic is: What kind of crazy spell effects would you like to see in the next Elder Scrolls game?

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