Welcome to the General Discussion Group. This is a catch-all group for any kind of discussion whether is has anything to do with elder scrolls, fallout, or video games in general or not. Discuss whatever you want here, but please observe our ground rules.
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2. No discussion related to pornography, pirating, or anything that violates Ning's Terms of Service are permitted here.
3. Racist, sexist, homophobic remarks are not allowed at any time.
With that being said, post away and have fun!
South Island of New Zealand.
Oh cool. So on the other side of the world that's pretty cool
Ivory Coast in West Africa
Ik, nobody knows my country lol but I have been living in the USA for several years now, I went back only once since I got here
I think I know ivory coast you guys have basically the same flag as Ireland but reversed
Orlando Florida here.
I hear the weather is better over there in america than I rainy Ireland!!!
Ugh, Kansas. It's so lame over here.