"Ze healing is not as revarding as ze hurting!"
This build is inspired by the medic class from Team Fortress 2. Your goal is to expand your medical knowledge and make yourself (slightly) harder to kill. Meaning you treat perks as modifications you grafted onto your body. The recommended DLC is Old World Blues (OWB).
Story: Raised in a small town built around an old hospital in the Plains Commonwealth, you grew up with pre-war medicine. You spent much of your free time reading books on anatomy and machines that kept people alive, inspiring to learn medicine not to help people, but to fulfill your curiosity as you make people live longer, starting with yourself.
When you became an adult, you found an old set of shipment papers detailing pieces of a pre-war machine that can keep a person alive for centuries. Intrigued by finding and studying such a milestone of human achievement, you packed your belongings and set out for the place the machine was sent to, Las Vegas.
For months you came from settlement to settlement, selling your healing services and crafted chems for caps or food. You found a role as the medic for a group of mercenaries who sell their protection services to up-and-coming businesses. You found the role as an excuse to maintain your medical skills while finding an interesting friendship with a large man that served as the group's heavy muscle.
When the mercenaries broke up after several of the members argued over leadership, you went farther west, finding work as a courier. Your last delivery was to be sent to New Vegas, the city that was once Las Vegas and more importantly where you can find the life-extending machine . . . until you were shot and left for dead in Goodsprings. After recovering, you vowed to find the package and kill the man that nearly lobotomized you.
SPECIAL: Strength 7, Perception 1, Endurance 6, Charisma 7, Intelligence 9, Agility 5, Luck 5
Traits: Good Natured and Skilled
Tag Skills: Medicine, Melee Weapons, Science
Major Skills: Medicine, Melee Weapons, Guns, Science
Minor Skills: Repair, Unarmed
Perks: Educated, Toughness in both ranks, Bloody Mess, Living Anatomy, Stonewall, Life Giver, Piercing Strike, Fast Metabolism, Chemist, Chem Resistant, Unstoppable Force, Purifier
A sub-machine gun like the 12.7mm. The 10mm is a good runner up
A one-handed blade, but the Ripper is preferable
Chems for fighting and socializing. Be sure to have plenty of fixers.
You can wear the Wasteland surgeon outfit until you get the Followers lab coat for working for the FA. Dr. Mobius' scrubs are good too.
And most importantly glasses. Reading glasses are just fine, but you can use the glasses from OWB.
Implants: Intelligence, Charisma, Endurance, Sub-Dermal Armor, Monocyte Breeder, and Strength
Companions: Anyone will do, but Gannon is the perfect human because he's another medic, and Rex is good non-human because he's an example of a living being kept alive through science.
Factions: House makes sense because (spoiler for those who never got that far) he was kept alive for two centuries shows science at it's greatest, which would amaze the Medic. But the New California Republic also good because they can support the minor faction, the Followers of the Apocalypse (FA), should you put up with their mercy-preaching.
Recommended Quests: Because you're a half-mad doctor, you won't be healing 'because it's the right thing to do' and all that saintly nonsense. You'll be doing it to prove your god-like death-cheating skills . . . and for the caps and experience points.
Nothin' But a Hound Dog, Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues, I Don't Hurt Anymore, Medical Mystery, and the FA side quests. When playing Old World Blues, don't take back your brain. He's such a dummkopf.
Gameplay: You rarely venture alone, let alone fight in the front lines. So make sure your companions have the best arms and armor. Also, DON'T PLAY HARDCORE if you want your companions to live.
In fights, just simply let your companions be in the front lines while you hang back and use the SMG on farther enemies, only using your blades for closer enemies . . . and if you're feeling confident.

*sighs* No my proudest build.
I decided to okay the use of chems. It makes sense considering Chemist and Chem Resistant both require points in Medicine.