"Ya' listenin'? Okay. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha', I hurt people."
This build is based on the Team Fortress 2 class. This build will better benefit from Dead Money and the Gunrunner's Arsenal.
Story: Born and raised in the Diamond City, you were the youngest of eight brothers. Together, you and you're brothers were arguably the toughest gang in the city. While you were the smallest of the group, you made up for that with your above-average speed, making you normally the first one to charge into a fight. When asked how you became so fast, you said that you owed it to years of drinking Nuka-Cola.
As long as you could remember, Nuka-Cola was the greatest thing that survived the Great War. There was something about it's sweet, radioactive taste that made you feel alive, even if it meant visiting the doctor or taking a radaway to deal with the radiation. During times you were sad, you turned Nuka-Cola the way others turned to beer. You bought bottles - especially the exotics like Quantum and Quartz - by the dozens from visiting traders who got the cola from the raider infested Nuka-World and beyond. Other times you tried to make home-made colas, either nearly burning your house down again or making cola that made radroaches sick.
One day an old trader coming from the far west Wasteland selling a different kind of pre-war soda called Sunset Sarsaparilla. Out of curiosity you bought one bottle and drank it. It wasn't Nuka-Cola, but it came close. You asked the trader where he got the soda and he said that it was scattered throughout the Mojave Wasteland, even mentioning a pre-war treasure that can only be gained by collecting certain Sarsaparilla caps.
After hearing the old man tell of the Mojave and the rumored treasure, you packed your bags and set out west for the Mojave. After a couple of months, you finally made it followed by signing up for the Mojave Express to make some caps. It paid well, was easy, and was a safe job . . . until you were shot in the head in Goodsprings. After you woke up from a minor comma, you grabbed a gun and a bat and set out to find the coward that shot you and beat his head like a pre-war baseball.
SPECIAL: Strength 7, Perception 6, Endurance 3, Charisma 5, Intelligence 5, Agility 7, Luck 7
Traits: Built-to-Destroy, Loose Cannon, Fast Shot, and/or Small Frame.
Tag Skills: Guns, Melee Weapons, Repair
Major Skills: Guns, Melee Weapons, Repair
Minor Skills:
Unarmed for the perks Super Slam and Unstoppable Force
Survival if you want the Travel Light perk and make Home-brewed Sarsaparillas if you have Honest Hearts
Perks: Heave Ho, Gunslinger, Action Boy in both ranks, Hand Loader, Commando, Finesse, Unstoppable Force, Shotgun Surgeon, Piercing Strike, Adamantium Skeleton, Jury Rigging, Better Criticals, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Nerves of Steel
DLC and extra Perks: Run n' Gun, Purifier, Super Slam, Slayer, Light Touch, And Stay Back, Travel Light
A non-revolver pistol. Maria is a good choice for its convenient ammo and rate of fire.
A shotgun. The Big Boomer is ideal, especially for those of you who enjoy TF2's Force-a-Nature and Soda Popper. I hate the typical 2 clip shotgun because reloading per one or two shots leads to cheap hits from enemies. Getting it will not be easy because it takes one of several ways, sometimes depending on what console you're playing, so it would be wise to save before getting it. You can just kill Old Lady Gibson if you have the PS3 version; pickpocket her; punch her and shoot the gun out of her hand, and quickly sheath your gun; in the unpatched XBOX 360 version, the gun can be bought from Mick at Mick and Ralph's; and knock out Gibson with boxing gloves, then cripple her arm until she lets go of the gun.
Throwing hatchets for those who enjoy the Flying Guillotine. You can use other throwing weapons if you wish.
Light armor. Reinforced leather is a nice default, though Vault 34 security is better. Ulysses' Duster is nice if you have Lonesome Road.
Sarsaparillas and Nuka-Colas are your secondary tasty stimpaks and long-term income source. It's wise to have some radaways to deal with the radiation poison. You do not have to use chems, but turbos would be very fitting since this is a speed themed build.
And most importantly a baseball bat and Pre-War baseball cap. You can't be a scout if you don't have both! The GRA's (Gunrunners Arsenal) bat is better because of the upgrades.
Implants: Luck, Intelligence, Sud-Dermal Armor, and Agility
Companions: Arcade is a good choice if you like better healing and witty one-liners. Veronica and Rose are also okay if you like some female company.
Faction: Considering your take-$&%@-from-no-one attitude, Yes Man seems like a good choice.
Recommended Quests: The only quest the seems fitting the Scout is The Legend of the Star, even though you will not have much use for Pew-Pew. Any other quest is up to you.
Gameplay: Considering your low Endurance and light armor, you are a glass-canon the can fall easily from one or two well-placed hits. Well dealing with stronger and/or multiple enemies, it's best to hit-and-run; shooting them quickly and retreating to a safe place, only to pop out and shoot again, whittling their numbers and health.
Explosives Style: If you want to make the Scout more of a soda making, explosives using build, you can do this instead:
Major and Tag Skills: Guns, Melee Weapons, Science
Minor Skills: Repair, Medicine, Explosives, Unarmed, Survival
Perks: Take Nuka-Chemist, Splash Damage, Hit the Deck, and Mad Bomber instead of Slayer, Adamantium Skeleton, Nerves of Steel, and Run n' Gun
Equipment: It's a shame to sacrifice Nuka-Cola Quartz to make Nuka-grenades, but it's a fitting weapon.