"Welcome to the United States of YOU-JUST-GOT-DOMINATED!"
This build is based on the Soldier class of Team Fortress 2. While this build can do well in Vanilla, the recommended DLCs to improve this more are Dead Money, the Gunrunners Arsenal, Lonesome Road, and Honest Hearts.
Story: Born and raised in River City of the Capital Wasteland, after years of visiting the Capital Preservation Society, listening to Abraham Washington's pre-war stories, and reading pre-war magazines and books - 'Guns and Bullets' and 'Duck and Cover!' being your personal favorites - you vowed to unite the Wastelands into the beautiful nation it was before the bombs fell.
An obvious choice would have been to side the with the Brotherhood of Steel, but while you respected their organized militia and for aiding the local citizens, they lacked the American patriotism you held dear. So you set out west, find others who share the same belief as you.
For several years, you fought raider, mutant, hunger and storm, you heard stories from a caravan you were hired to protect that there was a growing military government called the New California Republic expanding its territory from the West Coast. You felt reinvigorated that you now knew who to join and climb the ranks until you were powerful enough to set a nationwide campaign to resurrect the United States of America.
When you finally made it to the Mojave Wasteland, resting at a small town called Primm, you were poor, hungry and had the only pistol as a weapon, you join the Mojave Express, planning to buy your equipment to prove the NCR that you can resupply your provisions by yourself. After a month delivering, you were given the most important delivery when you were given a package to deliver to New Vegas, where Camp McCarren, NCR's main military in the Mojave, was. You thought this was the beginning of the day were you return the US to its former glory, until you were shot and left for dead in Goodsprings. After recovering from your nearly fatal injury, you grabbed a shotgun and the strongest helmet you good find and set out to find the checkered hippy who shot you and shoot a rocket where the sun doesn't shine.
SPECIAL: Strength 5, Perception 8, Endurance 7, Charisma 7, Intelligence 4, Agility 6, Luck 3
Traits: Fast Shot and Kamikaze
Tag Skills: Explosives, Guns, Repair
Major Skills: Explosives, Guns, Repair
Minor Skills: Medicine, Barter
Perks: Heave Ho!, Bloody Mess, Demolition Expert in all three ranks, Hand Loader, Shotgun Surgeon, Commando, Hit the Deck, Splash Damage, Weapons Handling, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Jury Rigging, Action Boy in both ranks.
DLC and Extra Perks: And Stay Back, Fight the Power!, Sneering Imperialist, Mad Bomber, Nerves of Steel.
First off you can't be a Soldier if you don't have a rocket launcher. Annabelle is okay in vanilla, Lonesome Road's Red Glare better with its 13 ammo clip and American theme, and there's no shame in using a Fat Man.
A shotgun (the Riot is my favorite <3)
While you don't have to use melee weapons, Lonesome Road's Old Glory is very fitting.
Combat, power, or NCR armor is alright, but be sure you equip any helmet that covers your eyes.
Implants: Strength, Monocyte Breeder, Endurance, Agility, Luck, Sub-Dermal Armor, and Intelligence.
Companions: Boone's a good choice because his perk makes it easier spotting distance enemies and it's fitting to have a former NCR soldier as a follower. Veronica is also good because she makes a great strong tank against closer-quarter enemies, portable workbench if you don't have ED-E, and you can roleplay that you want to take her under your wing and get her farther from the Brotherhood of Steel. When you get your NCR fame hight enough, you'll get an emergency radio to call for an NCR ranger or trooper as an extra follower.
Factions: NCR. Need I say more?... Okay. The Soldier will do whatever he can to increase the NCRs strength from doing side quests to allying them with the Boomers and Brotherhood of Steel (even if you think they're both weapons hoarding Commies compared their East Coast cousins and after you encourage Veronica to leave the BoS); end hostilities with the Kings (even if you think they're hair-greased hippies); launching rockets at the Omertas and Powder Gangers; killing Papa Khan (just put some C4 in the outhouse he'll use) and putting Regis in charge (even if you think the Khans are tweaked-up pansies); getting idolized by the Followers of the Apocalypse so you can persuade them to support the NCR, and putting your boot up House' ass.
Recommended Quests: Any NCR quests and side quests, One for My Baby, I Forgot to Remember to Forget, I Could Make You Care (get Euclid's C-Finder and encourage Veronica to leave the BoS), That Luck Old Sun (as much as you support the NCR, you'll put the power to the satellite because you believe Euclid's C-Finder can give a great edge against the Legion), Come Fly With Me (help Chris Haversam sabotage the rockets, because the last thing the Wasteland needs are flying ghouls!), Ghost Town Gunfight (help Goodsprings fill their graveyard with dead Powder Gangers), Left My Heart, My Kind of Town (bring NCR law to Primm), Someone to Watch Over Me, and Boomer quests and side quests.
If you want to do the DLCs the Lonesome Road, Dead Money, and Honest Hearts, launch the warhead at the Legion, empty a fully loaded clip into Elijah's head, and blast the White Legs to extinction!
Gameplay: It's obvious to say that the explosives are used for grouped and/or stronger enemies from a safe distance, and the shotgun is for closer enemies.
When not doing any quests, patrol outside McCarren, blasting any raiders you see to farm for XP and loot to sell.
