The Back Story:
Born in the year 4E175 on the 15th of Evening Star, a month after the empire signed the White-Gold Concordat, parts of Hammerfell were ceded to the Aldmeri Dominion. The area surrendered to the Dominion was the southern parts of Hammerfell which include Rihad, a small port city on the Abesean Sea and just North of Cyrodiil. Nazro was born in this city to parents Namk and Iszte Raejta, 2 wonderful and loving parents. Namk was an Imperial Solider who fought in the great war but was left disgusted at the actions of the empire following their surrender. Iszte was also a solider, but left following her pregnancy. In that time, a new war had begun, the Redguards, as the people of Hammerfell are often called by the other races of Tamerial, decided that they were going to fight for their lands. A new war is about to begin.
In the year 4E192 on the 20th of Rain’s Hand, 17 years after the war between the Redguards and the Dominion began, it ends in a victory for Hammerfell which resulted in a peace treaty signed between them known as the Second Treaty of Stros M’kai which they signed in 4E180. Nazro now 16 years old, lost his father and mother in the war and became an orphan. He was later raised by Glandon Khest-Si the last living family member of Zeria, the former guild master of the Abah Landing’s Thieves Guild to which he is the current master. Abah Landing, located off the Northeastern coast of Hammerfell’s region of Hew’s Bane, is a beautiful port city, not like the one Nazro was born in, but much grander that saw more ships at the docks every year. A perfect place for thieves. Nazro who just got promoted into the upper ranks of the Thieves Guild, decided to rob a merchant ship, The Rosaena Bantolia, a ship from the feudal province of High Rock and according to intel, it was supposed be carrying the statue Diabella, goddess of sex which could fetch 500-gold, which was kept inside the captain’s room. Should be an easy in and out for Nazro who was developing into a skillful infiltrator. First, he got in through anchor chain, second, using wooden arrows, he administered a powerful paracletic to the guards on board, third, to sneak pass the guard captain which Nazro realized won't be easy. The Captain, Fenevi Winter-Veins, was famous for her magical abilities even here, the land of warriors, where using magic is seen as cowardice, the 2 warring factions The Crowns and The Forebears, they have indicated on multiple occasions that they would love to have her on their side. That is the person standing in the way of his payday. Here goes nothing.
On the 8th of Sun’s Dawn 4E197, Nazro now an Intendant after finishing his training to be a member of the Penitus Ocilatus 3 years ago. What else could he have done after being brought so close to death on that ship 5 years. There was nothing he could have done but to accept her offer and now here he is, under her command and heading across The Abecean Sea to Alinor....Maybe he should have turned back that night. The Mission, kill Lady Arannelya of the Aldmeri Dominion and report back. Sounds easy enough. Nazro was given the task to finish off the lady. First, he snuck in through a small crack in the roof, second, entered the kitchen, food was supposed to be served that night as there was a small gathering at her palace, third, administer the poison and slip back out unseen. A job well done. Reporting back however, proved to be difficult. Someone survived that night, Arissare Caemious that bitch...the chef. Nazro regretted not killing her. All 10 members went on the run killing and avoiding Dominion agents as they went along. Nazro was especially skilled with the blade, killing 20 agents on his own. Only Fenevi bettered him. When it became clear that there was nowhere left to go, Fenevi ordered Nazro to hide as he was the youngest member. On the 12th of Mid-Year 4E198, after hearing the empire’s proclamation, Nazro was disgusted, he then decided that he was going to try and rescue Fenevi but before he could do that, she freed herself and with a mad dash headed for the shoreline. Nazro followed soon after; meeting up, they both dispatch hundreds of Dominion agents until they made it to Hammerfell. Back home again.
On the 11th of Second Seed 4E200, 2 years after landing on Stros M’Kai, Nazro, now a Freelancer for the Thieves Guild, remembers that night when both he and Fenevi made it to shore. They both hid in a small cave just off the coast of the island and after starting a small fire, they had sex. Something to pass the time. When daybreak they were surrounded by the Crowns Army just as they were leaving the cave. How long have they been waiting here, Nazro had thought. They made an offer to her. She accepted while Nazro went back to Abah Landing. And now, here he is, about rob a priceless magical tome from a member of the Blackcaster Mages Guild and who it is, none other than Fenevi Winter-Veins. What bad luck.... First, he said hello, second, he took her out, there was a play that was showcasing tonight at the inn, third, have sex with her again, fourth, rob her blind. Sounds easy. Its wasn’t. Nazro woke up in the next morning after a wonderful night, the other side of the bed lay empty and so was his bag pack left on of the floor. Oh, the injustice!!
On the 2th of Last Seed 4E201, Nazro received a letter from Fenevi asking him to come with her to Skyrim. Skyrim, that cold piece of land, he always hated going there. The women were good lovers though. Nazro read through the letter 3 times, these were the first words spoken between them since that night. That night. Nazro remembered being kicked out of the guild following that night. He actually rejoined the Penitus Oculatus and was the commanding officer in Hammerfell. He was stationed in Hammerfell to help broker peace between the Redguards and Empire. Now one of the Senior officers with the Empire, Nazro had a choice to make. Refer the letter to General Tullius stationed in Skyrim or join her and help fight against the empire. Which one of the Gods did he cross to end up here.
On the 16th of Last Seed 4E201, Nazro travelled to Skyrim to join up with Imperial Army. He was a part of the force that went to capture Ulfric Stormcloak. It was an epic battle, many men were lost that day. And in the end, Nazro delevered the fetal blow that killed Torevi effectively stopping her from killing anymore men. A few hours later, while on their way to confront Fenevi, Nazro learnt from the Stormcloak prisoners that, the woman he killed, was her mother. Nazro felt sad about what he had done; whenever he and Fenevi were together, she often spoke of her mother and how she much misses her. She never saw her again after joining the Penitus Oculatus and that was 10 years ago. 10 years without her mother, must have been hard, Nazro have been without his since the war with the Dominion. Knowing full well Fenevi won't rejoin the Empire following her mother’s death, he along with the General devised a plan to bring her down. For the Glory of the Empire.
On the 17th of Last Seed, Nazro confronted Fenevi; old friends meeting again, but this time on opposite sides. Realizing her mother was not there, Fenevi ask Nazro where was her mother to which he admitted killing her. An epic battle ensued after that, but this one was much worst; Fenevi was relentless, bombarding the battle field with Fireballs, Thunderbolts; the battle-mages were useless against her as their magic were being absorbed by her somehow. Nazro had to seek cover he could engaged her in that mood she was in. Soon the battle field went quiet, Fenevi had ran out magicka and had fainted from overuse. One of the battle-mages were about to deliver the finishing blow, when Nazro moved to cut him down after which, he arrested was aordered by the General. Bound up along with Fenevi, Nazro lamented to himself while he stared at her. Should have walked away that night. Should have fought by her side against the Forebears. Should have accepted her offer. Should have told her he was sorry. Should have told her he loved her.
Moments before being executed together, a dragon attacked the small town of Helgan killing many men and town’s folk. Nazro wanted to escape with Fenevi but look that she gave him, was a look of death. So, in the end he escaped with Ralof.
Guilds Joined
The Dawnuard
On the 3rd of Hearthfire 4E201, Nazro, having separated from Ralof, travelled to Falkreath. There he did several jobs for the people and began working at Grave Concoctions, a potion making business alongside a fellow Redguard, a female name Zaria. During this time, news was being spread across Skyrim regarding his skill in alchemy which attracted a member of the Dawnguard to the small village. This member offered a role within the organization. Nazro decided to see what it was all about.
Roles Played in the Guild
- Captain – the leader of the Dawnguard. Only gain promotion to this rank if vacant.
- Lieutenant – Is promoted from 1 of the Squad Commanders. Gains promotion only after hunting and killing over 1000 vampires while in the Dawnguard separate from their core missions, collect 6 dederic artifacts (after promotion will now being in charge of the Vigilants of Standar and must now collect all artifacts and kill their worshippers without mercy), must have a health pool of 3000 with enchantments and must wear Dawnguard gear and use their weapons while being an active member. Must explore the Forgotten Vale.
- Squad Commander – Is promoted after hunting 500 vampires while in the Dawnguard separate from their core missions, collect 3 dederic artifacts, must complete all of missions given to them by the weapons specialist of the Dawnguard, must have a health pool of 2000 without enchantments and must wear Dawnguard gear and use their weapons while an active member. Must explore the Soul Cairn.
- Squad member – is promoted after hunting 100 vampires while in the Dawnguard separate from their core mission, collect at least 1 dederic artifact, must have a health pool of 1000 without enchantments and must wear and use Dawnguard supplies while an active member. Must explore Dimhollow Crypt.
- New recruit – new active members of the Dawnguard. More experience recruits may be assigned several missions after joining.
Roles as a vampire
- King/Queen – ruler of the vampires. Must kill previous ruler to attain.
- Princess – reserved for Serena.
- Marquess/Marchioness – is promoted after killing 1000 mortals and killing 500 members of the Dawnguard separate from the mortals, must collect Auriel’s Bow, must collect all dederic artifacts( where possible), must use at least one dederic weapon upon promotion, must have 10000 health with or without enchantments and must wear the vampire armor (red) upon promotion while an active vampire. Must explore the Forgotten Vale.
- Earl/Countess - is promoted after killing 500 mortals and 250 Dawnguard members, must have health 5000 with or without enchantments, must collect 15 dederic artifacts and must wear vampire armor (white) upon promotion. Must explore the Soul Cairn.
- Viscount/Viscountess - only if bitten by the king. Must wear vampire armor (black) with the gloves and any circlet.
- Baron/Baroness – is promoted after killing 250 mortals and 125 Dawnguard members, must have 2500 health with or without enchantments, collect 7 dederic artifacts, must complete 20 missions from the Marquess and Earls and must wear vampire armor (black). Must destroy the Dawngaurd.
- Vampire Knight – is promoted after killing 125 mortals and 63 Dawnguard members, collect 3 dederic artifacts and complete 10 missions from the Marquess and Earl and must wear vampire armor (black). Must explore Dimhollow Crypt.
- Mortal – Mortal Thall.
Play style and perks taken
Nazro before joining the Dawnguard and wearing their Light Armor, he wore regular clothes (same type worn by Zaria) complete with the Ali’k headwear, hide bracers and redguard boots. When out in the field he used an Ebony axe and shield but dropped the shield after improving his blocking ability. He approached his battles slowly, allowing his opponents to make the first move before striking twice in quick successions after stunning them with his shield and later his axe then going back to slowly anticipation his opponent’s next move. When facing acrhers or mages, Nazro spares no time in dispatching them first; stunning his sword, hammer, mace and axe wielding opponents then close ground on the mages or archers. When facing more than one opponent, Nazro will stun 1 then attack the other with a quick slash before returning to the previously stunned enemy with a heavy downward cut. Sometimes Nazro when facing down 3 opponents would first do a backward slash to stun 1 or 2 of them before engaging in a fury of combination strikes taking them all down quickly.
(When making these strikes, move the camera as u do. If the opponent is on the left as you strike move the camera to the left and for the second strike more the camera to the right and back again to strike the opponent to the left. This can be done with duel wielding as well. If you are able to move fast enough, you will able to take done 2 opponents at the same time. Since you swing to the left when you duel wield, put the camera to the right and as you turn to the left, move the camera to the left to strike the second opponent. It you are lucky; you might be able to take down 3 opponents at the same time).
One-Handed level 100 – perks taken are Armsman all five levels, Fighting stance and Savage strike.
Alchemy level 100 – all perks take except for Green Thumb,
Speech level 100 – all perks taken on the left side of the tree.
Enchanting level 100 – all perks taken from the middle to the left side of the tree.
Blacksmithing level 80 – taken the perk Arcane Blacksmith, advance Armors and Ebony smithing.
Blocking level 100 – all levels of shield wall, deadly bash, and power runner.
Archery level 50 - no perks taken (wears enchanted jewelry of 1000% archery. Never buy or make arrows, enchant or smith. Only find them in the wild. 5 is the limit to have at all times).
Sneaking level 100 - all perks taken.