project21 (12)

Character Build: The Wyrm's Bane






"What a sunrise..." thought Taviah, as she woke up to the sound of chirping birds. As per usual when she'd stop in a village, she would offer to bring back plants and game to the local innkeeper, in exchange for a free, hot bowl of stew. She'd bee

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3 Replies · Reply by Hyperky Aug 31, 2023

Character Build: The Turncoat







Redwater Den, 16th of Last Seed, 4E201


"You know, I didn't come to this Gods-forsaken freezing wasteland out of choice, pal. It's just the only province left where guards won't shoot me on sight... Yet. Funny that I gave fifteen years of my life

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0 Replies

Character Build: Alessia's Chosen



7828047098?profile=RESIZE_710xAkatosh made a covenant with Alessia in those days so long ago. He gathered the tangled skeins of Oblivion, and knit them fast with the bloody sinews of his Heart, and gave them to Alessia, saying, "This shall be my token to you, that so long as you

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3 Replies · Reply by OLYMPUS Nov 4, 2022

Character Build: The Skystrider




"Everythin' alright in there milady ?" Tedric asked from the other side of the door, as he'd heard a scream coming from princess Ariane's chambers.

"Yes, thank you, Tedric. You may come in."

Tedric was hesitant at first at the idea - he had known La

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20 Replies · Reply by vorisek Jul 3, 2022

Character Build: The Lone Wolf




As of right now, the backstory for this character is still a work in progress. I know where I want to go with it, but have had lots of work lately and haven't found time to polish it enough. I will add it to the build as soon as I am satisfied with

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12 Replies · Reply by MrGerrits Aug 31, 2022

Character Build: She of the Wild





Alska couldn't remember the last time she had felt the warmth of the sun, seen the light of day. How long had it been, she wondered, since the elves of black and gold had come to her, in the wilderness, asking all of these questions she had no ans

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6 Replies · Reply by wiliauw Mar 3, 2022