WIP Character Builds

We understand making a great character build that others actually want to play is difficult. And while some are comfortable working on their build in private and releasing it when complete, others may desperately need a lot of guiddance along the way. Whats where this section comes in.

In this section you may post any half finished rough draft build your working if you're in need of guidance or just want a place for people to evaluate your work as you work on it. Here are some helpful guidelines to remember

-Ensure you include the term "WIP Build" to your title so it can be more readily distinguisable from completed character builds. Example - WIP Build: The Sneak Archer

-For those posting their WIPs here, please be open to constructive criticism. You wouldnt be posting your work here if you thought it was perfect to begin with, so please make an honest effort to take in criticism. 

-For those commenting, dont be an ass. It takes a bit of courage to share ones own creative ideas, so dont ruin it by trying to bring people down. Be mindful of how you critique. Focus on being constructive

-When your build is complete, feel free to move it yourself or let me or an admin know and we'll move it over to where the completed builds reside. 

CLICK This Image to post your WIP Build!


WIP - The Chronomancer, Enforcer of Time


 "Manipulating time can be dangerous...


...it should not be attempted without care."



Sinia felt a ripple through the timeline, a disturbance eminating from the northern region of Tamriel. Acting quickly, she journeyed to the border of Skyrim and made her way across. After a brief encounter and misunderstanding with some Imperial soldiers, she found herself free once again, honing her skills and tracking down the source of the time disruption.   





Arcane Archer Pack
Needed for the Telekinesis Arrows. If you do not have it, you can still play the build, you'll just be missing a primary ability.

Spell Knight Armor
This is for the aesthetic and enchanted gauntlets & boots, a decent vanilla alternative are Glass items.

Alternative Armors - Dwarven Mail
This is for the aesthetic, a decent vanilla alternative is Glass Armor.

Nchuanthumz: Dwarven Home
The Enforcer's home, this is to fit the theme of the character, any player home could suffice. 


Essential Mods

There are no essential mods for this build.
It can be played on vanilla Skyrim if desired.


Recommended Mods

Just an all around improvement mod that fixes bugs and other broken interactions.

Nchuanthumz Better Access Door
An improved entrance to Nchuanthumz that will save time by cutting down on running & loading screens.




Name: Sinia 

Age: 36

Race: Redguard

Morality: Neutral Good

Standing Stone: The Lord Stone

Stat Distribution:
  Health - 250

  Stamina - 200
  Magicka - All Remaining

Shrine Blessing: Akatosh




Roleplaying Questlines

Main Quest

College of Winterhold

Lost to the Ages

Arniel's Endeavor


Abilities, Gear, & Misc.

Civil War
Complete this quest line at least up until The Jagged Crown for one word of the Slow Time shout.

Forbidden Legend

The Gauldur Amulet is not only a powerful lost artifact, its well-rounded stats are a nice balance for a mixed class such like the Enforcer.

Fan Favorite
The Dwarven Mail is the perfect aesthetic for a protector of the timeline.

Crypt of the Heart
Ensure you place the corrupted heart in the grave to get the offensive oriented gauntlets and boots.

Frostflow Abyss
It is not necessary to complete this quest, only gain access to the basement to retrieve the Alik'r Hood. You can also just kill an Alik'r when you encounter then on the road or side with Saadia during In My Time Of Need. 

Illia has a troubled past, but she wishes to atone for her previous wrongdoings, the perfect companion to help protect the flow of time.

The Sanctuary and the Manufactory
A workshop lost and forgotten, all this mechanical wonder needs is a bit of attention. 

Alteration Ritual Spell
Once you reach level 90 Alteration, Tolfdir will offer this quest. It is needed to unlock some key spells to complete this build.




Level 50

Alchemy - Alchemist (5), Physician, Benefactor, Poisoner, Concentrated Poison

Archery - Overdraw (5), Eagle Eye, Critical Shot (1), Steady Hand (2), Power Shot, Hunter’s Discipline, Ranger, Quick Shot

One-Handed - Armsman (5), Fighting Stance, Savage Strike

Smithing - Steel Smithing, Dwarven Smithing, Arcane Blacksmith

Alteration - Novice-Master, Alteration Dual Casting, Magic Resistance (3), Stability, Atronach

Destruction - Novice-Apprentice, Augmented Shock (2), Rune Master




Alik'r Hood
A desert wanderer must protect themselves from the harsh sun and whipping sand. You stumble across this headscarf while investigating the grim happenings at an old lighthouse.

Dwarven Mail
A guardian of the flow of time must look the part. This chestpiece will protect your guts and ensure that those around you know who are you.

Ebony Spell Knight Gauntlets
These match your Dwemer aethetic perfectly, provide a bit of extra protection, and allow you cast more Lightning Runes.

Ebony Spell Knight Boots
More carry weight is always helpful.

The Gauldur Amulet
Its well-rounded stats are perfect for a mixed class such as the Chronomancer.

Ring of Alteration
Shielding yourself and freezing your enemies in time are key to your playstyle.

A lost bow retrieved, this will allow you to fire more arrows while time is frozen.

This mysterious artifact is ancient, yet it does not appear to age. It will be useful for delivering poisons and helping you to stay alive.

Aetherial Crown (Training)
This unique artifact was forged in an acient lost forge, allowing you to hold the power of two Standing Stones at once. Bind The Lady Stone to this circlet and gain The Thief/Warrior Stone for use when training Alchemy & Smithing. This will make crafting skills less expensive and time consuming, especially when paired with the Well Rested buff from sleeping in an owned bed.





Slow Time
The word walls can be found at Hag's End, Korvanjund, & Labyrinthian.

Become Ethereal
The word walls can be found at Ironbind Barrow, Lost Valley Redoubt, & Ustengrav. Meditate upon the word Feim with Parthurnax.



Aquired from the Alteration Ritual Spell quest.

Paralysis Rune
Can be purchsed from Tolfdir or Wylandriah.

Mass Paralysis
Can be purchsed from Tolfdir. Must complete the Alteration Ritual Spell quest.

Lightning Rune
Can be purchased from any Court Wizard, Falion, Faralda, or Enthir.

Summon Arniel's Shade
Obtained at the end of Arniel's Endeavor.


Greater/Lesser Powers

Adreneline Rush
Racial power of Redguard.

Telekinesis Arrow
Found on the counter in The Arcanaeum or purchased from Tolfdir.





Bonus Action
Fortify Magicka, Regenerate Magicka, & Restore Magicka
Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, & Red Mountain Flower

Fortify Health & Restore Health
Blue Mountain Flower & Wheat

Sleeping Tree Sap
Slow Self & Fortify Health
Obtained from the tapped tree at Sleeping Tree Camp



Lingering Damage Health & Paralysis

Canis Root, Imp Stool, & Mora Tapinella


Special Moves

Timeless Ammunition 
Slow Time, Telekinesis Arrows, Quick Shot, & Zephyr
Grounded dragons and paralyzed enemies are the perfect target for this deadly combo. The battlefield grows silent as time slows to a crawl, the Enforcer drawing her bow and releasing arrow after arrow, the projectiles being held in a warped space before her. As time resumes, the arrows are set loose, the barrage striking her enemy with overwhelming force.

Knight's Timeless Armor
Dragonhide, Sleeping Tree Sap, & The Lord Stone
Able to manipulate space time around her body, the Enforcer draws astral energies to herself, forming a protective shell and bolsting her defenses. This has the side effect of slowing her movement, but her durability should more than compensate.

Momentary Stasis
Paralysis Rune
Reaching out, the Enforcer lays a compressed surge of chronal energy at an enemy's feet, a burst soon engulfing them and locks them within a localized time warp. They will be unable to move for a short time.

Delayed Blast Time Bomb
Lightning Rune
Much like Momentary Stasis, the Enforcer can lay a compressed surge of astral enegy on the ground. When an enemy approaches, the energy rushes forth, releasing a deadly static charge that damages enemies and reduces their ability to use magic.

Astral Entity
Survivor (Potion), Become Ethereal, & Eternal Spirit
The ability to shift oneself into an alternate flow of time can come in quite handy. Especially when faced with powerful enemies that you are ill-prepared for. Take a moment, breath, regenerate your health and stamina. The battle is not yet over.

Wheel of Time (Accelerate)
Bonus Action (Potion) & Adrenaline Rush
The fight drags on, you need to replenish your energies to continue. Accelerate your own body, allow for your cells to regenerate and powers to return. 

Wheel of Time (Surge)
Surge (Poison)
Your blade can now warp the space around a nearby enemy, inhibiting their movement and accelerating the deterioration of their cells. Few can survive. Ensure Keening is always coated with a sufficient dose of this time altering brew.

Supreme Chronomancy
Mass Paralysis
When facing overwhelming numbers, you can draw upon your mastery of time to freeze all those around you at once. But be careful, you will be vulnerable while preparing this spell. Ensure you're well rooted and ready to face the onslaught.

Astral Guardian
Summon Arniel's Shade
Reach into the astral plane, drawing forth the form of a being that does not belong to this timeline. Their bind to this world is unstable and will not last long, but they will aid you while they remain.



Protecting the timeways can be quite taxing, the Enforcer will need a home to relax and resupply, somewhere she can maintain her gear and brew the potions required to uphold her duties. Seek out the lost Dwemer worshop and foundry, Nchuanthumz, ensuring the subterranian lair is fully repaired and operational.

Upon arrival in Skyrim, seek out the Jarl of Whiterun to report the dragon attack, the reappearance of an ancient enemy cannot be ignored. Upon discovering that you are Dragonborn, you'll want to pay the Greybeards a visit upon their mountain and learn more about your gift. Soon you'll become tangled up in the schemes of a crude Breton who will need your assistance slaying a dragon. Next, you must infiltrate the Thalmore Embassy, but the party is not for a few months and it's best that you hone your skills and investigate other disruptions in the meantime. All the while, you'll want to be collecting Dwarven Ingots, Iron Ingots, Amethysts, Soul Gems, Salt Piles, & other alchemy reagents for grinding up your crafting skills later.

Next you'll want to focus on obtaining the gear you will need to uphold your duty as an Enforcer of Time. Clues lie throughout Skyrim pointing you toward powerful artifacts, ancient mysteries, and trouble that's in need of solving. Before venturing north to the College of Winterhold, you will want to have your armor, Zephyr, two pieces of The Gauldur Amulet, the majority of your shouts, and recruited Illia from Darklight Tower.

Middle Game
The College of Winterhold, Lost to the Ages, and Arniel's Endeavor will be your next focus. These quests have a lot of roleplaying moments where you will encounter mages capable of manipulating the flow of time and investigating ancient Dwemer creations that seem to be immune to the aging effects of time. Once completed with these questlines, you'll want to start grinding your crafting skills, remember to have all of your experience buffs active.

You are now a fully realized Enforcer of Time, able to freely manipulate the flow of time around yourself and enemies. Freezing your enemies in a localized time warp that prevents them from taking action, halting arrows in mid air before releasing them in a sudden barage, shifting yourself into an alternate timeline as a saving throw when in danger, encacing yourself in your own time warp to protect yourself by interfering with weapons & spells, condense energies into a time bomb that will detonate upon contact with an enemy, and draw an ally from the Astral Plane to fight alongside you. Crafting Telekinesis Arrows requires 2 Void Salts & 1 Firewood. Void Salts can be crafted at the Atronach Forge for 1 Amethyst, 1 Soul Gem, & 1 Salt Pile.

End Game
Upon further investigation into the reappearance of the dragons, you discover that Alduin, the World Eater, was sent foward by ancient Nords into the current timeline. This disturbance cannot stand and must become your primary focus. The flow of time is in jeapardy and you are the only one who can preserve the balance. 







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