WIP Character Builds

We understand making a great character build that others actually want to play is difficult. And while some are comfortable working on their build in private and releasing it when complete, others may desperately need a lot of guiddance along the way. Whats where this section comes in.

In this section you may post any half finished rough draft build your working if you're in need of guidance or just want a place for people to evaluate your work as you work on it. Here are some helpful guidelines to remember

-Ensure you include the term "WIP Build" to your title so it can be more readily distinguisable from completed character builds. Example - WIP Build: The Sneak Archer

-For those posting their WIPs here, please be open to constructive criticism. You wouldnt be posting your work here if you thought it was perfect to begin with, so please make an honest effort to take in criticism. 

-For those commenting, dont be an ass. It takes a bit of courage to share ones own creative ideas, so dont ruin it by trying to bring people down. Be mindful of how you critique. Focus on being constructive

-When your build is complete, feel free to move it yourself or let me or an admin know and we'll move it over to where the completed builds reside. 

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WIP: The Northern Demigod (Vanilla Version)


The Northern Demigod



{UPDATE: Switched out Restoration and Destruction for Alchemy and Archery, added Equipment section}





This build is a simple one detailing what a son of Shor could look like in Skyrim.  I took inspiration from real-world history and mythology for this, such as weapon types that were commonly used during the Viking Age (which Skyrim is heavily inspired by) and Odin, who shares many similarities with Shor (which makes me think Shor was based on Odin).  Also, keep in mind I can't test this build yet and that this is a Vanilla version.  I will be uploading the WIP modded version soon.


Alduin was quite possibly the greatest foe the Nordic pantheon could face.  Being the son of Akatosh, it was clear he would not be defeated easily, but with each Nordic god together, they were still being shrugged off.  If only there were a way to tip the scales in their favor.  Wait, Shor thought.  The last time Alduin threatened existence, Nord heroes had used the power of the Voice and an Elder Scroll to banish Alduin and end his reign.  Perhaps someone can do something similar.  His thoughts flashed to the short amount of time he had spent in Skyrim.  His greatest shame would become their greatest weapon against the World Eater.  As one of his mortal incarnations, he had fathered a son.  As the son of a Shezzarine, the boy would now be required to battle Alduin upon his return.  Shor's metaphorical heart sank with guilt.  This was his son, and he was taking away any chance he might have to build a life for himself.  But if he doesn't battle Alduin, Shor thought.  He won't have a life to build.  Nobody will.  So Shor did the best thing he could do: he decided he would guide his son into his destiny.

Arnvidr was once just a boy on a farm outside Windhelm.  That was before the Empire came running to Skyrim with its tail between its legs.  They begged the Nords of Skyrim for salvation from the Aldmeri Dominion.  The Nords assisted the Empire but at a great cost.  The Empire lost the war and allowed the Dominion to pervade Skyrim.  They banned Talos worship and gave the Jarls chests of gold to sweeten the deal.  While some Jarls eventually changed their ways and fought against the Empire, others did not, and Arnvidr found this unforgivable.  Sure, his father became a legend, supposedly buying time for his comrades to escape.  But a dead legend is still a dead person, and the dead don't welcome you home at night.  Arnvidr believed the Empire had caused this and his father's death.  He would dismantle the Empire's stranglehold on Skyrim and their customs.  After all, if Hammerfell could defeat the Aldmeri invaders, why couldn't Skyrim?

Arnvidr began his quest in Whiterun.  As a trading hub, it would be instrumental in the war against the Empire and the Dominion.  When he saw a pair of Altmer strutting around in their black and gold uniforms, he tackled one, using brute strength to injure him.  Unfortunately, he had not figured out a plan for the other Thalmor.  He was restrained using a calming spell while the agent contemplated what to do with him.  While he could kill the boy now, murdering a child because he didn't respect their authority would not be a good look for the Aldmeri Dominion.  Now, if he were to send the boy to a certain Imperial general and the Empire disposed of the child, he could shift the blame from the Thalmor to the Empire.  When Arnvidr arrived in Helgen, he sat next to Ulfric Stormcloak, whom he had a deep respect for, not just as a Jarl, but as a hero of Skyrim.  When Alduin torched Helgen, Arnvidr realized he had a new calling: he had to do whatever he could to keep the dragons at bay, whether that included begrudgingly delivering a message to Jarl Balgruuf or picking up a sword and shield to kill them himself.




General Information


Name: Arnvidr Fireheart

Race: Nord

Powers: Battle Cry, Beast Form

Werewolf Perks: N/A.  From a roleplay standpoint, it doesn't make sense for Arnvidr to snack on the corpses of his fellow Nords.

End Level: ~40

Attribute Distribution: 2/1/1

Health: ~300

Magicka: ~200

Stamina: ~200

Major Skills: One-Handed, Archery, Heavy Armor

Minor Skills: Smithing, Alchemy, Alteration

Standing Stone: The Nordic pantheon seems to have a strong connection to the Stones, so I cycled through them but used the Lord Stone the most.

Shout: Since the Nords see the Dragonborn as the ultimate Nord folk hero, I see the Northern Demigod heavily relying on a few Shouts, mainly Unrelenting Force and Fire Breath.



Blade of Sovngarde - One-handed Dragonbone sword (enchanted with Fire Damage & Absorb Health)

Shield of Ysgramor

Dragonbone Mail

Dragonplate Insulated Boots

Dragonplate Insulated Gauntlets

Dragonplate Insulated Helmet



By combining the Nord's starting resistance to Frost Damage with the Dragonbone Mail's immunity to Fire Damage, you're rarely going to take damage from dragon shouts.  

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  • I am very excited to see the finished version of this. I think it is going to turn out great. Did you make that art yourself?

    • No, I found it on Google.  Also, the finished version probably won't be here for a while, seeing as how I don't have access to a console or PC.  But, it is good to know you're excited.

    • Gave the build a bit of a backstory

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