Our story begins on the 433rd Year of the Third Era, within the Daedric Realm of Sheogorath, commonly known as The Shivering Isles. As with the end of every Era, the Greymarch is close at hand, and as per usual the Madgod is hard at work scheming to stop the cycle from repeating. However, unlike most stories told from within the Aurbis, our story doesn’t revolve around men, mer, or even beastfolk. Instead, this tale will follow a Dark Seducer and a Golden saint, or more accurately described, a Mazken and an Aureal.
In terms of physical appearance, Mazken have dark blue skin not unlike the Dunmer of Morrowind while Aureal have beautiful golden skin similar to that of the Altmer of the Summerset Isles. Moving on, Aureal eyes have yellow cat-like pupils strikingly similar to their God and Master, Sheogorath. In contrast, Mazken pupils shine a mesmerizing blue and are known to glow in the dark, not unlike the coda flowers local to Morrowind.
Although it is true that there are stark differences between the two daedric races of the Madgod, we must also be sure to acknowledge their glaring similarities as well. The first and perhaps most obvious trait they share is that the females of each species tower over their male counterparts at an average height of eight to nine feet while the men average a meagre five to five and a half feet. Furthermore, the women are noticeably stronger and can endure more pain, are more clever and creative, and also hold a higher capacity for the arcane arts and general combat prowess.
Secondly, one of their most headstrong shared beliefs is that they and their people are the Sheogorath’s chosen race alone. This belief of daedric supremacy fuels each race with hatred of their sister race so much so that each race lives and breathes to eliminate the other from the face of the Isles. Truly their motives are identical, and as such they are more alike than they would care to admit. Finally, each race is ruled by matriarchal extremists, with no room for weakness in their hearts. Are the Mazken and Aureal doomed to be enemies forever? Yes, perhaps. Or perhaps not. Only the Madgod knows the answer.
I’ve read every chapter thus far and have fallen in love with this story. I look forward to the heavy weight showdown between the mazken and aureal captains.