Saint Sai Sahan replied to Curse's discussion Character Build: The Wolf Spider in Skyrim Character Building
"oooooooooo pretty spider!"
Mar 31, 2019
Saint Sai Sahan replied to Casey's discussion Character Build: The Grandmaster in Skyrim Character Building
"woah nice, im going to try this build with ordinator and a few other mods"
Mar 21, 2019
Saint Sai Sahan left a comment on Skyrim Character Building
"HI!!!!! I am new to the skyforge sorta, ive been lurking without an accoutn and decided to make one finally
also just wondering im a huge fan of redguards so just wondering how one would roleplay a sword singer or ansei any help is appreciated"
Mar 21, 2019
Saint Sai Sahan is now a member of THE SKY FORGE
Mar 21, 2019




West Henrietta, NY

How did you find this community?

pcoutcast And Pixelarrow productions and skyforgetv

What Elder Scrolls games have you played?

Morrowind, daggerfall, skyrim, oblivion, elder scrolls online

What Fallout games have you played?

tactics, fallout 2, fallout nv, fallout 4

Do you get to the Cloud District often?

yes and I hate nazeem hes not a true redguard


Earned points: 30
Forge Master

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Pirates of Tamriel - Contest Gold
