Skyrim Krafter's Korner | Hexblade Warlock: #39 - House of Horrors: The Priest

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In this episode, we continue our adventures in the hold of the reach, onward to the hills of the Red Eagle! Join me, as we follow Grimjaw's attempt to make the most of the situation he's dealt with.

A drunk night and what can only be assumed to be a prank by a mage, has found him in service of his new Daedric Patron, the prince of domination, Molag Bal! Will Grimjaw be able to withstand the forces of the Reach to faithfully execute his task? Or will he once again, succumb to the forces of blade and magic in pursuit of power promised?

If you're interested to know more, follow me as I set out to build The Hexblade Warlock, a build focused on acquiring daedric artifacts and the oblivion walker achievement.

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