Skyrim Krafter's Korner | Hexblade Warlock: #45 - Kesh & Druadach Redoubt

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In this episode, we find ourselves back in Markarth, living the life of a sellsword, side quests are yet once again pursued in an effort to earn coin and procure gear.

Join me, as we follow Grimjaw's chance interaction with a very sick kitty, only to be subjected to the influence of yet another potential daedric patron, The Taskmaster himself, the daedric prince, Peryite!

Will Grimjaw be able to slay the forsworn leader at Druadach Redoubt? Will Peryite have a hand in his efforts? Or will he once again, suffer at the hands of the reach folk?

If you're interested to know more, follow me as I set out to build The Hexblade Warlock, a build focused on acquiring daedric artifacts and the oblivion walker achievement.

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