Skyrim Krafter's Korner | Hexblade Warlock: #52 - Ritual of Sanguine: Exploit Vid

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In this episode, we find ourselves still in the hold of Whiterun, once again in the city of Whiterun, this time setting up a ritual of sorts to worship Sanguine!

Join me, as we follow Grimjaw's effort to strengthen his bond with his latest patron, the daedric prince Sanguine! Will this ritual grant grimjaw a powerful boon from Sanguine, making him powerful in the process? Or will this all be for a naught and result only in misery? Who can truly understand the whims of the daedric prince of pleasure?

If you're interested to know more, follow me as I set out to build The Hexblade Warlock, a build focused on acquiring daedric artifacts and the oblivion walker achievement.

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