Skyrim Krafter's Korner | Hexblade Warlock: #55 - Side Quest: Hillgrund's Tomb

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In this episode, we find ourselves back in the hold of Whiterun, stumbling headfirst into another mishap and adventure!

Join me, as we follow Grimjaw's adventures through Hillgrund's Tomb, an ancestral Nord burial site not too far from the borders of Falkreath, where we happen to chance across a desperate Nord with daddy issues, incapable of protecting the grave of his ancestors and seeks the help of our daedric wanderer.

Will Grimjaw overcome the horrors of the draugr horde and face down the evil mage who threatens to defile this burial site? Or would be he overwhelmed by death and magic?

If you're interested to know more, follow me as I set out to build The Hexblade Warlock, a build focused on acquiring daedric artifacts and the oblivion walker achievement.

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