Skyrim Krafter's Korner | Hexblade Warlock: #77 - Rescuing Kahjit

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In this episode, we continue our adventures in the hold of Whiterun! Join me, as we journey with Grimjaw in his grind to level 30 before pursuing the last Daedric artifact required.

A chance meeting with a roaming mercenary seeking help seeing Grimjaw tasked with rescuing a fellow citizen of Kahijiti Descent, in the all too familiar Silent Moon Camp.

Will Grimjaw be able to overcome the forces of this bandit stronghold? Or will his efforts prove futile, leaving the captured hostage to his fate?

If you're interested to know more, follow me as I set out to build The Hexblade Warlock, a build focused on acquiring daedric artifacts and the oblivion walker achievement.

All feedback on the video and any suggestions of improvements are most welcome and will serve as valuable inputs for me to grow my channel. Please do consider subscribing if you enjoy the content and wish to support my efforts in generating new playthroughs and builds for the community.

This playthrough uses the modlist living Skyrim 3, version 3.7.1.

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