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As you can tell, this is the opposite of which race you like the most. Which of these races do you dislike playing? Which have you played the least of? What makes you dislike them? Is it playability or lore or just how they look?

Let us know in the comment section. Don't forget to punch the like button as if it said something bad about your momma! And don't forget to vote in the poll on the main page of the site.

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


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  • Ely will probably have my head, but oh well. I've never liked the dunmer.

    Before an argonian invasion and an apocalyptic eruption knocked them down a few pegs, the dunmer were the epitome of arrogance. Caste systems, slavery, and all sorts of depraved shit were part of their culture.

    Also those mountain sized forehead ridges don't help either. You ever try to make a handsome/beautiful dunmer in vanilla skyrim? It's literally impossible.
    • I liked Dunmer but only for gameplay reasons. They look sinister as can be and their fire cloak is a good bonus.

    • "Vanilla Skyrim" <that's your problem right there.

      I find the Dunmer fascinating. They have one of the most interesting and fleshed out societies and the lore behind them is wicked-awesome, mainly because they are determinedly Not Nice. 

      • I've long since ascended to PC god hood, but in my humble peasant days I tried in vain to make an attractive dunmer.
    • Yer just jealous.


      • Everyone knows all races are equally inferior to khajiit.
  • Tae's gonna kill me, but... I don't like Argonians. I feel they don't fit into the world of TES, they're just really weird and don't fit in anywhere. The Khajiit are, at least due to one theory, descended from the Aldmer, making them a bizarre race of elves, but the Hist just feel really out of place and the Argonians, as a race, never really interested me. Tamriel is a land of men and elves... and apparently lizard-men. It's the same reason why I don't like the lore of Akavir, it's just bizarre and Not Right. The last straw for me was when the Argonians invaded Morrowind and really overdid the whole "vengeance for slavery" thing.

    • Argonians are my favorite too. I first fell in love with them simply because of the character creation being better than the other races. I actually enjoyed making my guy look cool and sometimes spent an hour getting everything just right.

    • They are meant to feel out of place.
    • Same here, I don't like Argonians. Not because they don't fit in for me, but I just don't find them interesting or relatable. Khajiit and Argonians are probably two of my least favorite race but Argonians are worse than Khajiit for me.

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