weeping angel (1)

Character Build Showcase: The Weeping Angel


3280456911?profile=RESIZE_710xHey guys welcome to another weekly showcase. This week we’ll be diving into the shoes of FishDoubt’s Weeping Angel based off of the creepy beings of the same name from Doctor Who.

Strike in an absolute blur of unmatched precision, tactically control the battlefield through the use of select shouts, spells and skills.  The Weeping Angel is true foe to be feared, for you never no when they will strike.

FishDoubt has combined some very nifty skills together to make one very efficient assassin. If striking with speed, finesse and leaving no witness’s is your kind of playstyle I’d encourage you to take a good look at this awesome character build!

Be sure to keep the characters rolling guys because you very well could find your own work featured on the homepage!

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