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Hi all,


First post here, but I've been combing some of the other discussion threads about mods, and favorite settings to play with etc, but I am wondering if anyone experienced in PC can point me in the right direction for what I need to do first. I've always been a console person - started way way back and this will be my first transition to PC. And of course, Skyrim is my jumping off point. I'm super pumped to begin modding, tinkering and overall upgrade the experience to Skyrim so I can feel like a whole new game!

Any tips from experienced PC users for what I should get? Things to try? Really just anything you feel like sharing with a console peasant who's looking to move up in the world :)



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  • Let me be the first to welcome you to the glorious PC Master Race. 

    Im sure guys like Teccam and Brosis can elaborate further, but some of the core mods you will want to get out of the way include crash fixes and optimization tools. If you’re using special edition disregard what I’m about to post below. 

    Assuming you’re using legendary Here is the most basic video walk through I used to set up those core fixes. 

    This will walk you through ENB installation, the SSME Skyrim System Memory Enhancement and more. 


    • Thank you! I'm pumped as well. This is awesome - I didn't even know that was possible. I suppose I'll be saying that a lot as I learn more hahaha.

  • In terms of specifics, it depends on whether you are playing SE or LE. There are a handful of essential mods for both, though they are different. If you're playing SE, I highly recommend following the "Core" section of The Phoenix Flavour. It will establish an optimal, organized foundation upon which to begin experimenting. This includes all the best tools to assist in modding, cleaned ESM files, configured INIs, etc. Then you can just copy that "Core" profile in Mod Organizer 2, and begin experimenting with more mods as you go, but always have that "ideal" optimized baseline to revert to if you want to start fresh (or just to play a very minimal mod list).

    The Phoenix Flavour a modding guide for skyrim se
    • I would imagine I'll be grabbing SE - I've been playing that on PS4 for the last 5 years. Is there any benefit to one version vs. the other?

  • You’re better off using Special Edition. It’s more stable right out of the box. 

  • How’s your mod set up coming along?

    • ugh, it's been an ordeal getting my PC parts shipped to me via Amazon so still haven't quite built the darn thing quite yet!

      I'll be sure to post an update when I'm up and running!

      • I can only imagine how agonizing the wait must be. Best of luck getting everything set up!

        • Update - I've got the rig up and running finally, and wow. I can't believe I wasted so much time stuck in consoles!

          I attempted to begin modding and getting things set up, but since I'm completely new to Windows as well, I abandoned it in favor of just playing some games that work right out of the box.

          Now that I'm a little more settled in, I think I'm going to give this another go - and thanks to John for that Phoenix Flavor tip, that looks super handy to get this off the ground!

          • Im glad you're enjoying the modding experience. It certainly takes more work than throwing a disc into a console but all the trouble is more than worth it. 

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