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Voiced Protagonist in Fallout and TES

When it was announced that Fallout 4 would have a voiced protagonist I said loud and clear I believed it would be a bad idea. There is no way an Anorexic Asian, a Muscled Mexican and a Chubby Caucasian should all have the same voice.

After playing the game I was very disappointed. The voiced protagonist seems to have limited the role playing. No matter how much effort you put into making a unique character with a unique personality...they all sound the same! This is very annoying. It pulls you right out of the immersion. You cannot play as your superhero Thor wannabe because he sounds exactly like the nerdy wimp you just finished playing.

Does anyone like the idea of a voiced protagonist in Fallout 4? Do you think it was a good thing or a bad thing?

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  • Pretty much but the nail on the head. I personally hate having a voiced protagonist for the very reason you described.

    My first file I played as a gruff ex soldier. Didn't really go over so well because, as you pointed out, no matter what is done my character will still sound like a mild mannered, well spoken wimp. Next character was an assassin, and the one after that was a raider and the immersion was immediately ruined by having the same voice attached to all the characters.

    I hope to god they don't implement a voiced protagonist in elder scrolls 6. It's proven to be an immersion and Roleplay killer.
    • I don't believe they will ever have a voiced protagonist in TES. With the number of races (maybe more than ever in the next game) and 2 genders for each, it would be a gigantic load to give them all voices. It would also be a gigantic mistake.

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