Minecraft: Community Building Project
Hail, adventurers! Pixel here with a very interesting idea that I'm really gonna try to get to take off. This idea came from the fact that a lot of us have a vision for what Skyrim might have been. We all love the game, of course, but one has to admit its cities can sometimes be a little ... uninspiring. They look like tiny towns rather than cities. Now, many talented modders have worked on building them up, but not all of use are modders. So how might we get our visions out of our heads and into something a bit more tangible?
The answer came in the form of a simple game that most of us know and love: Minecraft.
Now building an expanded version of Whiterun seemed an intimidating task, but I believe with the help of any Mincraft builders from the Skyforge's talented and creative community, we can pull it off.
For anyone who wants to participate: take a look at Whiterun and get inspired. As one of Skyrim's most beloved cities, it has a lot of really cool ideas that can inspire Minecraft builds. Here is how it's going to work if you would like to take part in this project.
!!!!Keep in mind that in order to participate you must own the Java version of Minecraft on PC or Mac and play on Minecraft v1.14.3!!!!
Step 1: Look at the Gallery
I've posted a few screenshots of a build that recreates Elianora's version of Breezehome in Minecraft in a sort of gallery below. This should give an idea of scale and style. I will be adding more builds to the gallery as they come in.
Step 2: Sign Up
Leave a simple comment below letting me know that you want to participate and what you would like to contribute. If you are in need of some ideas of what to contribute, please check out the "To-Do List" above the Gallery to see what needs doing. I'll add you to the post to keep track of who has contributed what.
Step 3: Build!
Go into your game, open a superflat world, and start building. It is advisable that you set out a little border for yourself to make your build within, since you aren't making it within the context of the city itself. You can do something similar to what I have done in my Breezehome build (see the gallery). Try to build in a similar style and scale to what is offerred, but don't be afraid to add your own personal flair! If you want to take on a larger group you might even try to build with a group if you can get an uploadable world together to work on.
Step 4: Submit
Once you're done, go to your .minecraft folder and find the saves folder within it. You should be able to find the file with the name of whatever you called your superflat world that you built your piece in. Simply make a copy of that file and send it to me in whatever way you find preferable. You might upload it to mediafire or bitfly, or you might even be able to upload it to Google Drive and share it with me (I'll have to test that one though).
Once you've done all of those, I will be creating a landscape with World Painter that fits the Whiterun aesthetic and I'll use the World Edit mod to copy/paste your build into the world. Once we're done and I've integrated all of the submissions into the city, I'll put the world up for download and you can all check it out.
I really hope this project gets off the ground. Please don't be afraid to give it a try, and if you need any help let me know and I will do my best to accomodate you! Thank you for taking the time to join and submit, and happy building!
Specific Buildings
For this section keep in mind that we're building an expanded version of Whiterun. This means it does not necessarily have to be an exact block-for-block recreation of the original building, but try to keep the same style. You can take inspiration from modded versions of these buildings or whatever you like. Try to make it recognizeable, but do not be at all hesitant to add your own flairs and touches.
~ Warmaiden's ~
~ The Drunken Huntsman ~
~ The Bannered Mare ~
~ Arcadia's Cauldron ~
~ Belethor's General Goods ~
~ The Hall of the Dead ~
~ Breezehome ~
~ House Grey-Mane ~
~ House Battle-Born ~
~ Gildergreen (Restored - Custom Tree) ~
~ The Temple of Kynareth ~
~ City Gates (Inner and Outer) ~
General Ideas
~ Outer Wall Design ~
~ Homes ~
~ Stores ~
~ Market Stalls ~
~ Guard Barracks ~
~ Custom Trees (Birch & Pine) ~
~ Clutter (ex. Carts, braziers, street lights, benches, etc.) ~
Outer City Builds
~ Farms ~
~ Whiterun Stables ~
~ Hunningbrew Meadery ~
~ Western Watchtower ~
Elianora's Breezehome
by Pixel
Pixel - Breezhome
Hi Naedmi, as you are looking for some house ideas to build one in Minecraft then go for Cow Farm as hunting for food can be a time-taking task, but you can easily leave this work by setting up a cow farm that has a built-in lava cooker. Here the basic idea is that the adult cows breed at the top of the farm, making new cows that fall to the center of the structure. These are pushed into lava, and cooking them as early as possible. The cooked food is then directly delivered into the chest located close to it, giving you easy access to cooked meat whenever you like. Check out https://exputer.com/guides/minecraft-building-ideas/ this link to find more ideas that can be helpful for you.