Character Building Event: Jolly Co-Operation

Greetings and salutations my fellow Forgers! New Year, New Event time ya'll. Thanks to Jazz for the inspiration. Welcome to something I like to call....


Event Details

Now what's this Event about? Well, we know building, especially for your first few builds. So, to help with that, we've decided to try and foster a fair amount of well, co-opting with builds. Alongside this, the theme will also center around the various Factions located within the Elder Scrolls. Builds will either seek to have some connection to a faction, whether a member, someone antagonizing it, or whatnot, or a self-created faction, so long as you can make it lore fitting.

Now, does this mean you have to pair up and run through a build with a partner or small group? Well, while we would prefer that, we all know everyone here has lives outside of Skyrim, be it school, work, or other activities. Plus the fact that time zones may not always line up. Co-operation can be something as simple as say, discussing various facets of a build over Discord, maybe each playing their version and syncing it up in a finished product. 

Rules and Regulations

  • Builds may be posted between now, Jan 8th, and March 25th, at 11:59 PM. 
  • Builds must be tagged with "Event:JollyCoOp"
  • If you do wish to work in a pair or group fully, please provide the names of all members.
  • Please keep a build preferably at or below Level 50, though recommendations for post-50 perks and such are allowed.
  • Have fun with it!


Halkuan-Moon Singer

 Bingus the Wizard

Dwemerdude5059 and Mur'zik

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • Sign me up. I don't think I'll be available to work with someone else, but I have an idea that will fit the theme.

    A Moon-Singer.

  • Put my name down for this, this'll be my first build but I'll be working alone. But I've had an idea that's being cooking for a few weeks that'll be fun to write about. The Kakorrha.

    • Have fun

  • Please sign me and Dwemerdude5059 as a team for this one.


  • I am interested in partnering with someone on this. This would be my first build on the Forge, but I am an experienced character builder and a writer. Let me know!

    • Are u still looking for someone to work with on this if so please message me. Either on here or perferbly discord where u can find me as "Hero Of Kvatch" on the skypothesis discord.

  • Man i never find out about thease when they are posted. Anyway I would love to make a build with people. Please find me on the discord if u want to get in touch with me about this. I'm Hero Of Kvatch in the discord

  • What time zone at 11:59 must this be posted because we are all mostly in different time zones

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