Well guys, with this build, I decided to see what kind of madcap creation I could come with, and one that uses the Wooden Sword as one of his mane weapons. Imagine a fusion of Kefka from Final Fantasy and the Joker from Batman, except less murder, and inspired by everypony's favorite Spirit of Chaos, Discord, voiced by John DeLancie. With that, I am proud to present.....
*Utilizes Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire content*
You wanna know more about me, hmm? Well, my birth was a strange one. My old man was Sheogorath, Princess of Madness, the Strange, and Cheese! And, well, me ma was Sanguine, don’t ask how. From what I’ve been told, it involves magic, a piece of fruit, and a screaming goat. Why have I, son of Madness and Wine come to Nirn? Well, its simple, to liven up this land, with a little lunacy. True, in my temporarily weakened state upon my arrival, I may have been captured by the Imperials, but I’ll get them back soon. Many say I don’t make sense, neither do my methods, well, I say to them....
“What fun is there in making sense?”
Race: Ah, a Breton, descended from Man and Mer, like how I am descended from both Dementia and Debauchery. If you decide to recreate me, give me a goatee and slicked back hair, preferably black.
Stat Ratio: 4/2/2, Ah, Magicka, the essence of power, I’ll need plenty o’ this for the spells I wield.
Standing Stone: The Lord, why? Well, due to my Pandomic nature, my Daedric roots, and my Breton form, I seem to have some resistance against magic, and, I may be the next Prince of Madness, who knows?
Skills: I’ll have you know I am quite skilled in the arts of Illusion, One-Handed swordplay, Speechcraft, Conjuration, and Enchanting.
Equipment: I’m not the type for armor, so you’ll often see me garbed in Jester’s Boots, Wedding Dress (I do look fabulous in clothing for men or women), Jester Gloves, a Gold Diamond Necklace, a Gold Ruby Ring, and a Silver and Moonstone Circlet.
Weapons: I prefer to wield dear old dad’s staff, The Wabbajack, Sam’s Sanguine Rose, a Wooden Sword, or my own powers.
Alignment-I prefer to think of myself in the range of either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral, makes life more interesting.
Companion: Cicero, ah, it seems dad’s brought his blessing of madness on this one, and he makes such interesting comments, I think I’ll take him on as an apprentice.
The Chaos Master is a trickster at heart. For living enemies (And later on, the undead, Dwemer Automatons, and Daedra, with Master of the Mind), he prefers to send out either Spider Scrolls, or a combination of Frenzy, Fear, and Courage spells to thin out the crowd, then using an Ash or Paraysis spell followed by a Flesh Spell. Then, you’ll want to either summon a Daedra with Conjuration or the Sanguine Rose, and then equip the Wabbajack in one hand, and your Wooden Sword, then go to work. Mages are your stop priority, especially shock mages, who can deplete your mana. Dragons can be left breathless by casting Fire Spells, and does wonders on Undead. You’ll want to bring chaos to the battlefield, always moving.
Within conversations, if possible, choose either the Bribe or Persuasion options to get your way out of situations or increase your rewards for certain quests. If you have some, I’d recommend poisoning your weapons first, in order to increase the damage of your Wooden Sword. This build strove to show both the light and dark sides of madness, mania and dementia.
*With Enchanting, I did not picture it as The Chaos Master spell-weaving his items with souls, but infusing tiny portions of his power into them*
Jester’s Boots and Gloves-Ah, wonderful apparel for a being of Chaos such as myself, they look stylish, and it wouldn’t make sense for a non-Jester to wear them, perfect!
Regalia of Chaos-Ahah! A man wearing a wedding dress, my wardobe is more and more fitting, though, dear readers, if you are on PC, feel free to garb me in Ol’ Pappy Sheo’s Outfit and Boots. (Wedding Dress enchanted with Fortify Illusion and Healing Rate)
Locket of Disharmony-A little bobble dear old mum fashioned for me on my 125th birthday, it makes my silver tongue pure platinum. (Gold Diamond Necklace enchanted with Fortify Barter and Fortify One-Handed)
Signet of Madness-A little ring dad gave me once I came of age (For a Daedra, which is about fifty or so), magnifying my abilities. (Silver Ruby Ring enchanted with Fortify Magicka Regen and Fortify Conjuration)
Chaos Controller’s Crown-A copper crown fit for a Prince of Chaos such as myself, I found it in mum’s attic, and added a little pizazz. (Copper and Sapphire Circlet enchanted with Fortify Illusion and Magicka Regen)
Sanguine Rose-Ol’ mum’s staff, smells fragrant, and allows me to summon a new comrade in arms, excellent! Wonder if it will help me get a date?
The Wabbajack-The most powerful and random staff in the Aurbis (In my humble opinion), and my old man wants me to spread madness, I’ll make him proud, and have fun doing so.
The Stick of Un-Truth-A children’s toy I’ve made my own weapon of nonsense, infused with my power, and my best friend. (Wooden Sword enchanted with Chaos/Absorb Health and Notched Pickaxe)
Main Quest-As Honorary Dragonborn, it is my duty to save this dull country from Alduin, that, and because he, like Malacath, aren’t fun at parties.
Dawnguard-It seems Ol’ Molag’s minions are up to their tricks again, and, a mad priest of Arkay joins up with a group of vampire hunters, well, if no one else is there to stop these vampires, I guess I have to.
Dragonborn-It seems Uncle Mora’s lost country of his little protoge, and he’s too orderly for my tastes, I guess I can kill two birds with one wooden sword, be hailed as a hero on a hunk of ice and ash, and slay a bastion of order.
The Black Star-Aunt Azura needs some help getting her lil Star back, if none of her followers gets it, it will be some help to me.
The Mind of Madness/A Night to Remember-My mum wants to have a drink with me, and dear old dad needs help with Sir Pelagius of Madness, very well.
Delayed Burial-A little madman needs help wheeling “his mother” to a new home, this could be fun if I play my cards right.
College of Winterhold-A group of mages who keep to themselves, maybe I can spice up their lives, and gain more power in my mortal form.
Waking Nightmares-Ah Vaermina, I’ve never liked her, reminds me too much of a girl I once knew, she could enter dreams as well. If the mortals of Dawnstar keel over from insomnia, I can’t spread madness and fun to them, guess I’ll have to help Priest of Mara.
A Daedra’s Best Friend-Oh, Uncle Vile, and little Barbas too. Well, I can’t kill such a nice pooch like Barbas, he was my first furry friend. Uncle Clavicus’ Masque can help me in trade.
The Dark Brotherhood-Ah, followers of Sithis. My demented side is coming out, better let him have his fun, heh.
--Whenever in conversations with a Persuade/Intimidation option, flip a coin or roll dice. If it lands on heads/an even number, use Persuasion, if tails/an odd number, use Intimidate.
--Read any books that pertain to the Daedric Princes, particularly your parents, such as Wabbajack or the 16 Accords of Madness.
--Eat cheese, cabbage, and, wines (Argonian Bloodwine, Surrelie Brothers, Alto, etc) milk (Jugs of Milk from Hearthfire), as your only foods.
--Sit on a Jarl’s throne every once and awhile, just because.
--When you enter someone's home, scatter items with the grab button/Telekinesis spell, drop wine bottles everywhere, switch the food out for sweet rolls, and place a head of cabbage on their beds.
Chocolate Rain-Summoning a friend through the Rose, I use my minor weather controlling to summon up a storm, then bringing on the chaos.
(Sanguine Rose+Storm Call+Mayhem+Damage Health Poison+Stick of Un-Truth)
Madness and Mead-Taking in a sip of Mead, I summon a Daedra from one of mum’s thousand realms, then go to work, the Wabbajack in one hand, my stick in the other. (Honybrew Mead+Sanguine Rose summon+Flaming Familar+Wabbajack+Stick of Un-Truth)
Palazzo’s Fury-Named for one of my brethren Daedra, I unleash madness upon my foes, before charging in with my allies. (Become Ethereal+Mayhem+Sanguine Rose summon+Summon Seeker+Paralyze Poison)
Dancing Mad-Splashing skooma on my foes, I initiate a debauched somba of imaginable proportions. (Damage Health Poison+Become Ethereal+Mayhem/Frenzy Rune+Poison Rune+Rout)
Thanks to Golden Fool for the Perk Spread, and to you for reading.
So two Daedric princes shacked up and made a kid? That’s pretty fked up.
Its the fuck mothering Daedric Princes, one of whom being the prince of debauchery
Wow, I really quite like this Chris. Especially how you use the Wooden Sword (not many Builds that I can think of actually use it), combined with some Poisons and a Spell here and there. That and it really brings out the madness of Sheo and Sanguine.
Hah, thanks Lee. And yeah, not many indeed, been thinking of using other, ah, underappreciated arms and armor over the while. I made this, fuck, back in 2014 or 15 I believe
Hey again Chris, you forgot your tags for this beaut: