This build is based off of my main character for my story 'the call of the wolf.' The main character of the story has a ton of emotions going through his mind and is like a yinyang because he found he cannot live with one emotion and not have the other. He has positive and negative emotions and strive to make his soul whole again.
Hasir had witnessed death,, but never like this. His aunt and uncle were cruelly ripped away from him before their time by a mysterious figure. What's worse is he witnessed his aunt's death first hand, he did not see how his uncle died. Regardless of seeing his uncle die or not, his death weighed as equally heavy on his soul like his aunt's especially gruesome death. He even blames himself for her death.
The gruesome demises of both his aunt and uncle caused a black hole to rip Hasir's soul into two seperate parts, the white wolf is his positive emotions (happiness, laughter, joy) and the black wolf is his negative emotions (hate, sorrow, self-loathing). When his soul is reformed, IF his soul is reformed, that is, he would form a mix of his white and black selves, the gray wolf (his purest self.) In the mean time, though, he has to wrestle with these two emotions and find a happy medium.
Hasir, is a werewolf, blessed by the sacred gift of lycanthropy by the wolflord, Hircine. Hasir was trained in various disciplines to try to keep his soul a peace, to try to offset one aspect of his soul becoming too dominant and, if this happens, he could become manic or depressed.
Name: Hasir
Race: Argonian
Apparel: Hunting Ground Outfit
Weapons: Silver Katana, Hunting Bow
Spells: Healing, Flames, Steadfast ward, Conjure Familiar, Frenzy, Equilbrium, Close Wounds, Circle of Protection
Shouts: Animal Allegiance, Frost Breath, Dismay, Summon Durnehviir, Soul Tear, Drain Vitality
Major Skills: One Handed, Light Armor, Smithing
Minor Skills: Archery, Destruction
Archery - the argonian must rid himself of all ill intent before shooting an arrow
Destruction - Hasir draws on his negative emotions to power spells from this dangerous class
Light Armor - The white wolf lends Hasir his tough hide for when he comes under attack
One Handed - the argonian must wieldd his positive and negative emotions as swords to do battle with
Smithing - Hasir can pour his positive and negative emotions into a forge to craft powerful weapons and armor
Inigo - A khajiit follower/friend whose story ggrows with yours. He comments on quests, the environment and even comments on certain situations. He is suitable for any build on Skyrim.
Immersive Weapons - this mod adds many new and exciting weapons to Skyrim
Hunting Grounds Outfit - This mod adds armor from the hunting grounds so you can properly serve your lord and master, Hircine
Moonlight Tales: Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul - this mods enable the user to truly roleplay a creature of the night, complete with custom wolf skins, a complete perk system and new howls.
Against common enemies (bandits, highwaymen and forsworn, Hasir utilizes his elemental fury shout to coat his silver katana with magical energies and he easily cuts through the competition. He can also use his drain vitaliity shout to steal their health, magicka and stamina so he can finis them off with a well shot arrows from hunting bow.
When facing giants and dragons, he uses his dragon aspect shout to empower his shout and call and ally to the field, together, they rush forwards and lay the smack down on these gigantic creatures, if that fails, he can tap into Bloodfang's mind and cast flame after flame at them or dissimate them with his Fire breath.
When it is time to face bosses like Karstaag, Miraak and the dragonpriests, he wisely chooses the element they are weakest to and uses that against them. He combats Karstaag's frost attack with his own fire-based attacks. For the dragonpriests and Miraak, he uses the element opposite the element the enemy dragonpriest is using.
When Hasir leaves Helgen, he goes to whiterun to join The Companions in order to obtain and learn abouut the blessing of the wolf, even though his emotions causing one wolf to become two. While in Whiterun, he meets a orc in Whiterun that has him go join the Dawnguard. whille in the dayspring canyon area, he overhears a rogue dragonborn causing mayhem in Solstheim. Lastly, he travels to Solitude to start the quest The Man Who Cried Wolf in order to end a threat to all people of Skyrim.
The Companions - Hasir joins this guild to seek help from its members about his emotion problem
Dawnguard - The argonian must rid Harkon and his ilk from Skyrim, as per his master's instructions
Dragonborn - Hasir must rid Solstheim of a great evil
The Man Who Cried Wolf (both parts) - The black and white wolves must cooperate to end a great threat to Skyrim.
Companions: Inigo (with hunting grounds armor)
Only when these quests, or trials of emotion, are conquered, can the two halves become whole and the grey wolf be revealed
Coonstructive Criticism Is Appreciated
Hey Hasir good to see you. Its nice to see you hitting the ground running with a wip build. I’ll be sure to have a look at it after a short break and lend you my thoughts and advice.
thanks I still have to freshen my build up a bit on thee Tamriel Vault workshop page, before I update the build here. I finished the WIP, why aren't my images and perk spread appearing?
Direct ports from the vault don't play nice with Ning, as a general rule of thumb it's usually easier to load stuff from a hard copy like Powerpoint or a microsoft office doucument. Somthing to do with the code the Vault uses, it just destroys the pictures when you port them from the vault directly. I had the same troubles with my builds when I first signed on here a couple of years back. Easily avoided if you just back up a hard copy to your computer or whatever tech you use to publish work.