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C.O.T.W Chapter 31: Silver Fury



The room Sheogorath and Twilight that stood in was a rotunda with a similarly fashioned limestone floor. Cutting each limestone

square in half diagonally were seven sandstone pillars extending to an unseen, equally round ceiling. At the center of the

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C.O.T.W Chapter 27: Hasir's Tail



Hasir felt his wrist; it was no longer broken thanks to the potion he made at Arcadia's request. His leg, however, would need

something greater than a potion to heal properly. He reached over for his crutches and a perplexed look crept onto his face,

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C.O.T.W Chapter 26: Banished



Aela just sat there  as she watched open-mouthed as the three nords ride back to Whiterun without them. Aela decided she would

take charge of both the group and their predicament. Aela got up, journal in hand and walked to where the nord and high elf


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C.O.T.W Chapter 25: Soul At War



Sheogorath, Hircine and Azure stepped out of the portal in a marshy section of the Hunting Grounds. They waded through the water

and emerged on the other side. The two daedric gods sat in the grass talking. Azure slunk away from the group because he h

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C.O.T.W Chapter 24: Wolfsbane



The carriage crunched over gravel as it sped past open meadows with deer grazing, some even looked up as the cart rumbled past

them. Again, aela could feel the wolf inside of her cry out for food. She pushed it down as she had more pressing matters to

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C.O.T.W Chapter 22: Molag Bal's Plan



While Hasir lay unconscious in the carriage, his mind exploded with the force of his two emotions trying to dominate the other. He

looked down from way above Tamriel. He stood in the realm of the gods, in Aetherius. He saw he was standing not on a clo

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C.O.T.W Chapter 21: Emotional Crisis



The morning light shone down among a patch of clouds. Hasir opened his eyes, yawned and rubbed the sleep out of them. He got

out of his furs and went up the stairs. He saw Iskenaaz talking to Aela, they were seated next to each other talking animated

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C.O.T.W Chapter 20: Once Bitten



Hasir and Ceralyne stepped into the cool night air. They both breathed the air through their nose and exhaled the air out of their

mouth. They fell to their hands and knees as they tranformed into the wolf forms in the silvery light of the moon. Ceral

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C.O.T.W Chapter 18: Pack Mentality



After Hasir left for the temple of kynareth, Aela, Farkas, Vilkas and Rakel walked up the stairs and outside to the porch. The circle

members and Rakel headed for the docks of Windhelm. They walked past the training yard and out into the streets of Wh

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C.O.T.W Chapter 17: Tail of Ceralyne



Vilkas was first to enter the mead hall closely followed by the argonian. Vilkas walked down the stairs and down to the undercroft,

Hasir followed him. When they reached Kodlak's study, Hasir was stunned to see not only Rakel standing there. Aela and 

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C.O.T.W Chapter 15: A Fair Fight



Hasir and Rakel exited the underforge with Aela following close behind them along with her brothers in arms Vilkas and Farkas just

as the morning sun began its ascent in to the sky. Iskenaaz spotted them out of the corner of his eye, got up from the r

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C.O.T.W Chapter 14: Inigo's Nightmare



The Khajiit's eyes closed as he got rocked rocked to sleep by the ship being gently swatted at by waves like a cat would its favorite

yarn ball. Inigo's breathing came in slow and rythmic breaths and his muscles relaxed as sleep overtook him. It only

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