Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
Ceralyne rod until she saw the familiar castle looming on the distance. Her horse cantered over the bridge and toward the Mauseleum. She rapped on the door twice with her elegant knuckles and was granted entry. Inside she saw a rather peculair…
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
Hasir, Inigo and Ceralyne thundered across the grassy plains until they found themselves outside the gate of a city Inigo knew all too well. As they passed through it, he told the Argonian of everything he knew of the sandy, canyon-filled landscape…
Jul 11
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
 After many hours, Hasir gasped in awe at the idealistic buildings and countryside. Ceralyne giggled behiind her hand as she saw Hasir's dumbstruck expression as he took in the beatutiful details of it all. He wore an expression of disbelief as he…
Jul 8
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
The Welwa Ravager splashed through the murky water, zig-zagging between various fleshfly pods, Haj-Motas and alligators as it made its was to its destination. Hasir felt the elf's grip slacken a bit as she dozed off as they rode through the forest…
Jul 3
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
 When they reached the wooden gate of Lilmoth, they saw the city festooned with various tribal decorations. A large reed table was set up where the two Argonians would've been talking about mud puddles and Hasir saw the residents sitting at the…
Jun 26
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
Hasir's scaly eyelids closed in sleep as he lay on the cot in the medical tent. His eyes opened onto an eerily familiar sight; a giant castle floating in the far reaches of Coldharbour. Orange and blue flames climbed up the sides, raining down…
Jun 14
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
Hasir raised an eyebrow in surprise."Tigress? How do know her?" Garrus turned away from him and Kassamae, who was patiently watching them. He lowered his head in contemplation."I should have told you this earlier, but I am, or rather, was an agent…
Jun 8
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
The two Argonians touched floated down to the ground; much to Seven-Bellies' great shock. The Lukiul elder strode over to Kassamae."So, what did you find in that, er, whatever it was. Did you see the entirety of the temple?" Kassamae shrugged;…
May 20
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
Hasir blinked multiple times to ensure what, or rather, who, he was seeing was indeed accurate. The elder turned and bowed, a bit clumsily, as the female Agronian approached. Hasir screwed his face up, usure of whether or not this was a flirtatious…
May 16
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
They desecended into darkness. Hasir cast a candelight spell to shed some light on the situation. Light danced upon the stone surface of the chamber like fireflies on a summer's night. Seven-Bellies chuckled softly to himself as he witnessed Hasir's…
May 6
Hasir posted a discussion in Skyrim Character Building
I thought up this build after playing Sonic Forces for the first time. I thought "Wow, the phantom ruby mechanic would make for a really good Skyrim build." This build is based off of the phantom ruby mechanics and powers from that game.  Also,…
Apr 9
Hasir posted discussions in Skyrim Character Building
Apr 9
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
The Argonian transformed into his beast form and sniffed deeply. He could smell the crisp air, dampness of the grass and earthiness of the trees. Another scent infiltrated his nostrils: several people along with an ashy smell. Twilight howled once…
Apr 8
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
 As the carn couldriage drew closer to Lukiul Uxith, the Argonia saw a mountain looming in the distance. He turned to Tigress,"Erm... Tigress? What is that mountain spewing smoke as if it were a sleeping dragon?" Tigress smiled at Hasir as she…
Mar 30
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
 Twilight ran full pelt out of the town, over the marshy puddles and weaved between deadly creatures as he had one goal in mind: flay the idiots who captured his furry friend. His eyes burnt white hot as he thought of the unimaginable torture Inigo…
Mar 21
Hasir posted a discussion in The Story Corner
Hasir cast his light spell and, as the tiny ball of light hovered inches from his palm, he moved deep into the fort; expecting to be set upon by monster at any ime. He gave a great sigh of relief when his fears seemed to be unfounded. As he rounded…
Mar 11

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