Siegrid inched ever closer to the area where the water stone could be found, her canine eyes and nose knew the land better than
her nord self did. Sunshine had the entire map of the stones memorized, something her nord mind could not hope to achieve. Her
fur became more and more saturated with snow with every step she took. She tried in vain to sniff out the exact location of the
stonebut found it impossible due to the increased accumulation of snow on her nose. The snow would have sealed her nasal
passages shut if it weren't for the slow breaths she had been taking.
She shook her entire body as a futile attempt at shaking the snow off of her fur but but it did nothing to ease the burden of her wet
pelt. Her stomach growled and she prowled the snowy ground of any sign of prey. She sniffed the ground with her nose for any hoof
prints that she can use for tracking any pallitable prey, when her ears flicked up, they had obviously caught the sound of some large
prey one hundred miles away.
Sunset went to turn around in the direction of where her ears wanted to go. She lowered her head back down to the snow-covered
ground and smelled a new scent, it filled her nostrils, intoxicating her mind. Any thoughts she may have had were pushed aside by
the sheer intoxication of the scent. Sunset's mind was focused on hunger, putting every other survival need on the back burner.
Sunset sniffed again and this time it hit her, the scent was that of an elk. Sunset shot out like a bullet out of gun in the direction of
the scent, following in north of Ravven Rock.
A few yards later, she crouched as low as possible in some nearby grass, careful not to spook the elk. The wolf sprang from her
hiding place and was upon the elk in a instant, piercing its neck with her long, sharp teeth. She flailed her head side to side, forcing
the elk's head to sway as if controlled by a macabre puuet master. Sunset finally ripped the deer's neck open and ate the raw
venison greedily, her fangs had punctured the deer's pelt easily. When she had ate her full, she withdrew her fangs from the deer's
carcass and howled out, not in saddness or anger but in utter satisfaction.
With the howled, she transformed back in her nord form. She wiped the blood for her mouth with the back of her hand and looked
up. There, staring her dead in the face was the water stone. She set to work decipher the sanscrit-like inscription on the stone. She
had pulled a translation guide that Storn had given her from the opened leather bag on the ground. She took a peice of papper and
a piece of charcoal out of the bag, placed the paper over the stone and made a rubbing with the charcoal.
When she was satisfied with the rubbing she stepped back from the stone, sat back down in the snow and set to work translating the
After hours, she read it aloud, having finally translated the message,
"The water always flows in one direction, though it can be diverted along its path if acting upon by an opposite force. Water,
However always reach the end of its journey no matter how much effort it takes to divert its path."
Siegrid looked at the message again and a confused expression crept over her face. She stuffed the charcoal into her pack, put the
note in her pocket next to the one that Storn had transcribed all those hours ago. She got up and went onward to the next stone
which she guessed was somewhere near skaal village, she took the map out of her pack, took the charcoal and placed an X on the
water stone, she saw that the sun stone was indeed near Skaal village.
She shifted into wolf form again and headed towards Skall village, after fifteen minutes of running past snow, snow cover rock and
tress, Sunet came to the Sun stone. She transfformed back.She repeated the process she did for the water stone and then read
aloud what she had translated.
"The sunn always crosses the sky from west to east, everytime, always constant, nothing can change it in its course."
She screwed her face up in confusion again, again, put the paper in the same pocket that contained the transcriptions of the two
previous stones and again pulled out the map and placed a x on the stone she had visited and translated and set of for the next
stone on her map. She morphed again and ran to the south east where the temple of Miraak could be found.
After five minutes of running, she arrived at the tree stone. She was shocked, however when she found that the stone was used as
the center stone of a huge temple that was meant for some macabre purpose. This made transcription of the stone difficult. She had
to position herself almost nose to nose with the stone, a rather tight fit considering the stone pillars housing the stone.
She did the same thing with this stone. She tore the paper away from the stone and read the translation aloud,
"Trees are seen as the bones of the earth, built with tough wood that serves as its armor, but, no matter how thick the armor, there
is alwasy termites ready to remind the tree of its own mortality."
Again, the female nord tucked the riddle away in the same pocket as the other ones and marked the stone as done on the map. she
reached into her right pocket and withdrew the paper that denoted the order the stones had to be done in. She crossed off the
water, sun and tree stone leaving only two more: the wind stone and earth stone Siegrid looked at the map and traced the required
paths to the wind and earth stones with her finger. Okay she thought okay, I need to go near Tel Mithryn for the wind stone and far
to the southeast of Raven Rock for the earth stone. She gathering her belongings and set off of Tel Mithryn.
After seven minutes, she got to the huge telvanni tower, she saw it just off the edge of a cliif. She headed off in that direction and
arrived at the wind stone. She had done this ritual of taking charcoal and paper and rubbing it on the stone face so many times
before that it became sceond nature to her. She spent no time in traslating the transcription and held it just short of arms reach and
read the rubbing.
The transcript read as follows,
"Wind can change its direction but it always blows no matter what direction it faces, Wind can aid in movement but it can also aid in
a person demise, but there is a bright side as it can aid in victory, so not all is gloomy or cold when it comes to wind."
Again, Siegrid consulted the map she removed from her pocket, unfurled it and consulted it. she again marked an x on the spot
where the stone was, got up, rolled the map up, stuffed it inside her bag, hefted it and set off for Raven rock.
She was on her way to Raven Rock when her nose smelled something...something was not right. She ran, no, sprinted across the
snowy landscape and skiddied to a halt just four miles shy of the earth stone. She smelled an imminent werebear attack on the air.
She thought of Majni and Rakel and how scared they must be able to coming threat, if they WERE aware of it. Siegrid ran for the
earth stone and rubbed as fast as possible and bent low to transcribe the rubbing on the stone.
Siegrid's eyes hurried over the transcription and as such, did not read the transcription properly. But here it is anyway,
"The earth is always moving and adjusting with the passage of time. Yes, the earth is forever moving, but the earth will not last
forever, the earth does have an expiration date. It may be a long way off, but just like the earth, its inhabitants cannot escape their
fate, they can try but, everything will come to the same dreadful end."
Siegrid felt a lump in her throat, she did not like this riddle, not one bit. Slowly, her hands trembling, she marked an x on the map
with the stone, replaced it in his bag and stood up, she had to grabbed a nearby rock to force herself into a standing position and
walked slowly to Frostmoon Crag. When she got there, she saw Rakel and Majni hiding in the tent with her husband protecting
them; she wondered what he was protecting them from and then she saw them.