B.O.T.B Lupine Part 3 FIve Finger Discount



Majni's wolf form continued forward as the spiders scurried down from their webs, landed on him and attempted to bite every inch of

him as they deemed him an intruder in their caves. The grey wolf managed to shake off the many spiders on top of him. The grey

wolf batted draugr aside, hearing bones crack as they smashed against the wall or splash into the water running through the



After suceeding in defeated every frostbite spider and draugr that had barred his way. The grey werewolf finalyl found an exit, he let

loose and ear-splitting howl as he transformed back into his nord form. Majni ran for the exit, not wanted to stay any longer than he

had to. He saw a staircase spiraling upwards towards the fort ceiling to his left, he took it but the moment he stepped onto the

bottom stair,  he heard running footsteps.


Two silver hand members leered at him out of the darkness,

"Just our luck, Xi'laxk, another wolf to let Krev have his way with."


The other member, Xi'laxk, Majni guessed an Argonian by what little he could see of him, spoke,

"So you have decided to show yourself wolf? How utterly foolish." He said, shaking his head


Majni unsheathed his longsword and stared down the Argonian who had stepped out of the shadows,

"What's foolish, for you, is how quickly I can seperate your head from your body." He snarled back at them


The argonian called his bluff and rushed forward; hissing angrily and brandishing a silver longsword. Majni duckedunder the silver

sword and brought his own sword in an arc through the air and cleanly seperated the Saxhleel's head from his neck. The scaly body

dropped to the floor, causing the floor in front of the nord to ran thick with blood. The dead Saxhleel's cohort, Rawl'kesh, a khajiit,

jumped back a bit. Majni ingored him and proceeded up the stairs.


Majni heard footsteps behind him and spun around, alsmost tripping on the uneven stone steps, and saw the khajiit aiming an arrow

att him snarling in disapproval,

"You killed my friend, you dumb wolf. Now, time to return the favor." He said hotly. The nord unsheathed his sword and swung it

through the arc, cleaving through the khajiit neck before the latter could so much as loose the arrow. He ignored the feline head that

bounced down the steps like a oddly shaped ball and contiued his was up the tower and out onto a balcony overlooking one of

Skyrim's many cobblestone roads. 


Majni turned his back on the beautiful view and went through the door nestled in the stone between two stairwells leading upwards.

Once inside the high ceilinged room, he hid behind one of the pillars that held up the whole room and slowly peered out from behind

it, expecting more of the silver hand to fight or some beast they'd employed to fight for them. He did not seen a beast, but what he

did see, however shook him to his core: three people: One outfitted in the familiar wolf-headed silver armor that he'd come to

expect from the organization bu he also saw two creatures in armor he never seen nor heard of before.


He smelled the air and the scent of Molag Bal lay thick on the air. Snarling, Majni unsheathed his iron dagger and stuck to the

shadows as he silently advanced on the silverhand member seated at a long desk on the opposite end of the room with various

ingredients lay on it-some of which Majni had never seen before. Majni could hear movement in the shadows and turned around and

called out to see if anyone was there, which was, a stupid move on his part because no sooner did he break the silence when an axe

came flying out of the shadows, it thudded to the floor near Majni-who had just enough time to discern a familiar looking skull on the

axe, sheathed his dagger and drew his iron sword.


Majin suddenly caught sight of another shadowy figure stepping out to the shadows. The nord saw the two beings wearing black

armor decorated with strange elongated skulls and matching helmetsThe two creature raised their weapons and ran at the nord, who

stood and met their longsword with his own. The nords inquired as to why the creatures were sent. They ignored him and swung

their swords in wide arcs in an attempt to dislodge Majni's sword from his grasp. The male nord deftly deflected this and, with his

free hand, he ripped the masks off of his attacker's heads. 


A high elf and a khajiit stared maliciously back at him. Snarling, the nord forced their swords upwards and rammed his own through

their chests; the high elf spurted blood and fell to the floor, the khajiit, however, evaporated into mist and flew towards the Imperial

sitting at the desk; blood spurting from his chest as the khajiit swiped at him, smirking evilly at the nord,

"I'll tell them that you did that." He said and disappeared from the room 


Majni walked over to the fallen high elf; extracting a note. He sat down in the desk chair, pushing the dead imperial onto the floor,

and started to read the note. After he finished, Majni stared at the note again,

"Silver hand, the servants of Molag Bal? What in Oblivion?" He asked, staring wide-eyed at the note. He placed the note in his

pocket and walked out the tower and back to the village.

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