D.K.R Chapter 2 Omega Part 3 Hircine's Test of Strength


Before Hasir left the village, he stocked up on potions of cure disease, frost resistance and healing draughts. He also filled his leather

bladder full of cold, refreshing water should he get parched on his journey and packed extra furs for sleeping on in his bag.


Hasir treked through the ankle deep snow passed Thirsk mead hall and the mountains. The khajiit were less accustomed to the cold

weather than he was, He complained the whole way. Hasir encouraged them by saying, "come on, just a bit further, don't give up

now." Infinite stumbled and fell numerous times on the journey because he was not used to snow and harsh conditions. Shivering

uncontrollably, he thought of what his father told him when he was a young kitten. "Infinite, whenever you feel like you are to be

defeated by the elements or even your own doubt, remember that the complaining is all in your head. If you think you can't do

it, then keep telling yourself you can."


Infinite put that into practice and soon he saw the snow as no threat, even M'aiq was able to keep up with him; Tulen, who was not

bothered in any way with neither the temperature or the snow effortlessly cut a path trhough the snow behind his brother. The

sun was shining over the mountains and they could see a great ice castle on the horizon.


"Don't stop, we're almost there." Hasir yelled over his shoulder to his companions. They trudged on through the snow until they

reached the castle's front door. The castle was an impressive sight. The sun reflected off of its crystalline surface, making the castle

appear reddish-orange instead of icy blue. The door itself had to be thirty feet tall, it was decorated with a rib-like set of lines set

into the icy surface. Hasir saw the door stood ajar, so, he pushed it open. A gigantic ice cavern met their eyes. "We must be beneath

the dining room" Hasir thought. The cavern was full of the smell of meat cooking over a fire. Hasir was so hungry, but he had to

force his mind to think about the task ahead, food would have to wait.


Hasir told M'aiq and Infinite to stay back as he conjured a purplish portal, through which stepped a blue spectral wolf. He instructed

the wolf as well as his brother to scout ahead, they did as he asked. They spotted three Grahls just ahead in the icy cavern. Without

warning, the Argonian drew he bow from his back, nocking an iron arrow and crouched low beside the wolf. They both ran full pelt at

the intruders. The grahls realized this too late as both the Argonian and the wolf was upon them; The wollf tore them limb from limb

while Tulen let loose arrow after arrow; each one striking a bandit in the heart. With a howl of victory, the wolf returned to oblivion.


Hasir stepped out of hiding, wielding his sword and shield, sneaking as to not alert others to his presence. Hasir instructed his

companions to follow him, but to be careful. They did as he asked. A light at the end of the tunnel told the lizard that he was getting

closer. Hasir realized too late that he just stepped on a pressure pad. The cavern shook and ice rocks started falling toward him and

his companions. Hasir employed all the skills he had learned in his dragonknight training to dispatch the rocks.


His companions, however, were not so lucky, M'aiq's leg got trapped under a rock and Infinite's arm got crushed by another rock,

breaking it at the elbow. Hasir hurried to their aid, attempting to lift the rock, but it would not budge. His hands glowed purple as he

aimed his spell at the rock, it lifted off of M'aiq and he flung it at the other boulder, smashing to bits. He freed M'aiq and then went

over to check on Infinite.


He was out cold due to the excruciating pain in his arm. Hasir hands lit up with a bright golden glow as he put his hands on the

khajiit's arm. M'aiq watched in awe as Infinite's bones began to mend themselves and the fur regrew over where the bones were.

Thanking Hasir, Infinite got to his feet and he and the lizard continued through the caverns.


Hasir's ears caught something that neither Infinite nor Tulen could hear, a fire crackling just above them. Hasir motioned quietly for

the cat and Argonian to follow, they did so. As an afterthought, Hasir crouched so as to not make too much noise, in doing so, he

became invisible to all around him.


He took a deep breath,



His aura shout came out as a low whisper, inaudible to anyone but him and four red auras could be seen along with several white

ones Damn, those must be vampires, I hate them. He thought in anger. Through the icy ceiling of the cavern, he could see that

they were moving. Hasir crept quietly through the cavern to the hidden trapdoor that served as the castle's auxilliary entrance. 


Hasir opened the trapdoor as quietly as he could. Hasir stepped into a brightly lit icy-walled area big enough to fit a long, ornate ice

table, a few chairs made of ice and a fireplace. The reiklngs stood around the table while the vampires sat at the table and discussed

the unfair union of Hircine and Molag Bal's servants when the vampire at the head of the table whipped around to find the Argonian

standing feet behind him. The  rieklings and vampires spotted him and moved in for the kill. The argonian unsheathed his bow,

readied an arrow and fired at the rieklings and undead.


The first arrow pierced the heart of a riekling warrior. This was followed by yet another arrow that found its mark. Hasir kept firing

until he had no arrows left. He placed his bow on his back and produced his trusty akaviri katana from its sheath. He did his best not

to use any dragonknight magic here because if he did, the whole room would melt.


The Argonian advanced on his enemies, his eyes were filled with bloodlust. Hasir ripped through his enemies like they were paper,

ripping flesh from bone and mercilessly stabbing them had they survived the first onslaught. After a few minutes, the battle was

over. Neither the undead nor the rieklings stood a chance.


A white light appeared in this middle of the room. Out of the light stepped Hircine's spectral stag, a favorite of the prince of the

hunt. "Well done, hunter. I am sure you delighted in tasting the blood of your prey? Now, the bloodmoon is sinking low in the sky

and the time has come for MY hunt too begin. There was a flash of bright light and both Hasir and the spectral stag were gone.

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