To prove Juleen was his uncle, he reached a clawed finger out of the cage and grabbed one of Hasir's claws,
"By the hist, your claws aren't so small anymore." He said, chuckling. Hasir looked at him with a quizzical look.
He looked at Hasir's face with a knowing grin,
"Yes, that is how I came up with your name," He turned to Hasir and scratched his forehead, "that is to say, er, that is how my sister
came up with it. "Kassamae heard the name on the wind she was studying during her pregnancy with you."
Hasir nodded as he took his uncle's story as fact,
"I know you're my uncle, but I still don't know who the female is." His eyes narrowed as he said this
He glanced over at the female Argonian,
"How in Oblivion do I know she is who the khajiit says she is?"
Juleen asked his nephew who the khajiit was. Hasir told him he is J'rasha, healer in the city of Vivec on the continent of Vvardenfell.
Hasir repeated the question. For a moment, the black-haired Argonian said nothing, lost for words. He finally found his voice and told
Hasir that to trust the khajiit because he knew him when he was in the market district in Vivec some years ago when Hasir was just
a hatchling. The female Argonian looked up and smiled at Juleen,
"By my scales...Hasir, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, how are you?" She would have ran and hugged him if she wasn't confined to
the less than roomy cage.
Hasir looked at her and said airily,
"I'm sorry lady, do I know you?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed
Drujeeta seemed on the verge of tears as her tail thumped down on the cage floor,
"The waters have run murky it seems." She said solemnly, "You do not recognize me?"
Hasir shook his head, making his hair sway as if in a slight breeze,
"Nope, sorry, should I?" He said an air of defiance in his voice
Drujeeta took a deep breath and spoke openly,
"Er, not in my present form." She glanced at him, "In our past forms, however, you knew my husband and I well; we were called
back to the hist to get new bodes while retaining our old memories and personalities after our former ones died all those years ago."
Hasir cocked his head at her confused,
"What do you mean 'past forms?'
Drujeeta gestured to Juleen to join in on this tale; they both told Hasir of when an Argonian's former body dies, their minds
and souls are absorbed back into the earth and then are absorbed into a hist tree, if there is one near, and their souls join other
souls that have left other past Argonians. She told Hasir that the hist trees function as a kind of natural hive mind, holding these
souls until it finds a suitable vessel to hold the Argonian's past mind.
His tail curled solemnly behind his as he sighed,
"Sadly, in own new forms we can no longer hear the hist speak to us." A tear slid down his scaly cheek, "When we, Drujeeta and I,
were just mere souls in the hist hivemind, we heard other Argonian consciousnesses whispering something about Molag Bal killing
our kind for some sort of mixed marriage revenge?
Hasir eyed his aunt who had just cut across her husband with a clawed finger thrust in the air,
"We did not know what the souls were talking about because our souls were being drawn out of the tree like blood would be drawn
out of some willing participant for a blood transplant via expansive root systems that spilled out into the amber colored water of a
birthing pool where we were not born like most Argonians were but instead our souls were thrust into grown Argonian bodies."
Hasir's brow furrowed as he thought on this further. One thing, however, eluded his understanding,
"How did you reincarnate into your new forms? Didn't you have to start out in the bodies of hatchlings and then at the first year of
the nondiscript hatchling's life go back and inbibe the hist sap to make those bodies grew tall and strong like the mightest hist tree?"
Hasir snapped his head back at Juleen, who looked both taken aback and astonished at Hasir's lack of knowledge of the hist when he
had been seperated from the trees for seven years. "By Hircine, please tell me if I am within a lick of histsap here."
Both Drujeeta and Juleen nodded. They then looked at the cage floor again, their tails limp,
"You hit the nail on the head but, erm, see a few days ago, a courier, an argonian, came to us and informed us that a group known
as the silver hand was operating in Blackmarsh."
Hasir felt something heavy fall into his stomach and he felt instantly sick to his stomach,
"The Silver Hand? I've never heard about them, all I know is they are under orders from Molag Bal to make life hard for
Hasir looked up in what little he could see of the sky and immediately, as he saw the waxing gibbous moon, his eyes changed color
and he was thrust down on all fours as he began to change. As Bloodfang and Frost got onto all fours, he heard Juleen exhale a
breath of pure shock. He had no idea how his nephew became a werewolf and why in Oblivion he had not transformed into a
werecrocodile like those of his race who are infected with lycanthropy. The wolf curled up on the floor of the cage as he let sleep
overtake him, his sleep was unburdened by and unsettling dreams, he did have images flip through his mind like a collage of some
kind, but it was not something that could be called a dream.