Hasir felt his feet after soaking them in the cool water, he found that they felt much better and they started to heal from the
treacherous climb up the mountain. He began to wonder what his next trial would be, in fact, he was wondering how many trials
there would be.
"Hasir, are you dense or just stupid?" Quichal yelled. Noticing Hasir's watering eyes, Quinchal froze and took a different approach,
"There will be three trails: the trial of earthen heart, the trial of draconic power and finally the trial of ardent flames."
Hasir nodded, wiping the waterworks from his eyes. Quinchal stated that he passed the first one, the trial of earthen heart, with
flying colors. He said the last two will not be so easy to pass. Quinchal started muttering in an unintelligible tongue Hasir could not
understand; he thought it was ancient Akaviri. Hasir jumped back surprisedly as he heard a rumbling that threatened to topple the
temple like a freak hurricane. Hasir looked skyward as a red banner with a black dragon emblazened on it attached to a wooden
stake that was widdled down at the bottom had landed in the floor with a loud thud. From the impact site, a great ring of fire
encircled the flag.
He stopped muttering. The banner did not vanish as Hasir expected; instead, he looked curiously at the tsaesci as he drew at deep
breath and shouted. Hasir heard a language he did not yet understand as something blue rushed passed him like a bird on the wind
which caused Hasir to shiver a bit as the blue thing passed by him. He looked at the red banner; causing it to dissolve.
Hasir looked bewildered at the tsaesci who grinn3d satisfactorily to himself,
"Er, Quinchal, what was that?" He asked, gesturing to the spot where the banner once stood
"That," Quinchal said, speaking authoritatively, "was the cue that you should try next."
Hasir chuckled at this. He stopped immediately when Quinchal shot daggers at him,
"You think this is funny lizard? Battlespirit training is serious business."
Hasir looked confused at this,
"Battlespirit, what in Oblivion is that?"
Quinchal told Hasir 'battlespirit' was the premier Akaviri martial art. He also told the argonian that battlespirit is powered by chi. The
tsaesci said it works like magicka does on Tamriel. Quinchal told him that he has to look deep inside himself before he can even think
about casting his first spell. Hasir screwed his face up in concentration. He tried opening his mind to allow the chi to flow through
him but to no avail.
It took Hasir several tries to center himself as his mind was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. In the end, though, he finally
managed to replicate Quinchal's 'Dragonknight Standard' spell. As Hasir did this, Quinchal looked on from in front of the empty
hearth at the end of the room and smiled; He knew Hasir could do it as long as he put his mind to it.
He strode over to Hasir and padded his shoulder,
"Good job Hasir, trial one is a success; next step is using your inner dragon to heal yourself."
Hasir gawked at the tsaesci,
"Excuse me? Use my what to do what?" He asked in shock
The tsaesci groaned heavily and slapped Hasir is the face
"By Akatosh Hasir, open your ears. I am talking about the next trial."
Hasir asked what his next trial would be. Golden light enveloped the tsaesci like a cocoon. Quinchal smiled at Hasir and said that that
was called draconic power; he faced Hasir and told him that all dragonkights possess this healing power. The green Argonian stood
there looking dumbstruck. Quinchal told Hasir to emulate what he had just done. Hasir tried with all his might, screwed his face up
so tight, it started turning purple but only managed to create small wisps of healing energy instead of an aura like Quinchal's.
After many attempts and magical fizzle outs later, Hasir finally managed to create an aura of golden light around himself. Quinchal
grinned and lightly punched Hasir in the shoulder. He knew he had the spirit of a dragonknight slumbering somewhere inside of him.
all he had to do was let the wolf out of it's cage, so to speak.
Quinchal told his student that 'draconic power' is not only used to heal whenever the dragonknight is in trouble but it also can be
used offensively. Quinchal once again brought the power to bear, feeling it evelope his very being. Hasir thought he was about to
explode because he did not know anyone's vessel, Akavirian or otherwise that could contain the sheer power the the art of
Battlespirit demands.
Six fiery boulders blasted outwards from the Tsaesci's body so abruptly that Hasir had to hid behind a pillar because he thought one
of them might hit him; it didn't, it just encircled Quinchal's body. Hasir stepped out from the pillar and inquired as to what the tsaesci
was doing.
Quinchal turned back and told him that the move he was performing was called 'Stone Fist,'
"Now, Hasir, say you are surrounded by enemies," As he said this, six targets rose from the ground around him, "and they cut off
your retreat, what do you do? What can you do except fight them either one by one," As he said this, he flung two sets of the three
boulders slowly revolving around him at the 'enemies', "or all at once," Quinchal cast the spell again and flung all of the fiery
boulders at the new batch of 'enemies' that surrounded him.
Hasir ducked as bits of burning wood flew over his head,
"... and that was part of draconic power too I take it?"
Quinchal nodded and told Hasir to try it or any other move he could think of on him. The Argonian looked perplexed at this strange
request but he was nothing if not obedient so he focused all his might on where he wanted his chi to go; for a few minutes, nothing
happened. Just when he was about to give up, a whip made of orange flame materialized in his open hand. His eyes narrowed and
his mouth curled into an evil grin as he closed his hand around it,
"Yeah, now we're talking; prepare yourself master, I shall show you no mercy." He felt the whip's immense heat as he raised it and
lashed out at Quinchal with it.
Hasir's face screwed up with a mix of fear and excitement as his weapon inched closer to Quinchal. Out of nowhere, a shield made of
hardened lava rock encased the tsaesci, causing the flame whip to clash with the shield instead of Hasir's intended target. When he
was sure the attack was over, the tsaesci lowered the shield leaving Hasir dumbstruck.
Quinchal laughed as he saw his pupil's face,
"Wha-? How did y-? I was--" Hasir sputtered, trying to form what had just happened into some kind of coherency
Quinchal walked up to the gawking argonian and smirked at him,
"That was an obsidian shield; there are incredibly useful. When used correctly, this shield can protect the dragonknight even if he is
an inch from death."
Hasir face fell as realization dawned on him as to Quinchal's intention,
"Let me guesss... you want me to emulate your actions right?" Hasir swore loudly as he knew he would not be about to pull that off
Quinchal eyed him like he was a child that broke some sacred tenet,
"Yes, I do expect you to copy me." He told Hasir, who groaned audibly; causing Quinchal to scowl at him, "and don't you glare at
Hasir concentrated hard this time; he was sure he never concentrated on something that demanded so much of his time and
patience in his life. After several minutes of preparation, Quinchal called up his fiery rocks again and flung one at the Argonian. Hasir
was caught offgaurd and did not have enough time to conjure his shield. The ball flew through the air with the speed of an arrow
from a fully drawn bow and scorched Hasir's chest; forcing him to keel over backwards.
Quinchal saw this, rushed over to Hasir and helped him to his feet,
"Hasir, the objective here is not to get burned." He said while chortling to himself, "let's go again, and try not to get burned."
Hasir nodded and waited for the ball to leave it's gravitational field and conjured a blackened lava shield like the one the tsaesci did
twenty minutes ago. Hasir heard a dull thud as the ball bounce harmlessly off of the hard lava shell. The green Argonian relaxed and
the shield fell away. When Hasir could see the room properly again, he saw the tsaesci grinning broadly at him,
"Well done Hasir, it took more time, mind you but, eventually you got there in the end."
Hasir walked over to a red table with a black table cloth on it near the entrance of the temple and sat down, Quinchal sat down next
to him,
"That was really nice work you did today; I may make a fine dragonknight out of you yet." He said, "I only have one question to ask
of you: Where did you learn to conjure a flame whip? That is far beyond your level."
Hasir smirked at him and shrugged,
"Dunno, when I looked inside myself for the chi, I may have found something more."
The tsaesci frowned at him from across the table, scrutinizing him as if he were a piece of succulent meat,
"More? I-I don't understand, what do you mean?"
Hasir put his head in his hands, peering at the tsaesci through his fingers,
"I dunno, erm, I may have opened up additional pathways for the power to flow along." He turned and looked out the window near
two pillars at the opposite end of the room, "What I mean to say is that I may have found a greater affinity for the more advanced
spells," He turned back to face the tsaesci again, "if that makes sense."
The tsaesci nodded and said that, in a weird way, it did make sense; He stood up and told Hasir that was enough for today and that
he had a week of arduous training ahead of him. Hasir got up,thanked the tsaesci and asked if today was more of a training session
or just a session to get acquainted with the three aspects of being a dragonknight.
Quinchal grinned and gave him a slight wave,
"It was more of an acquaintance session, now get some rest, tomorrow starts training."
Hasir started to leaved when Quinchal called out to him,
You stubborn reptile, where do you think you're going? There is an extra room at the temple if you would like to stay here."
Hasir stopped, smiled and accepted the invitation. He thought on something and asked Quinchal where he was going to sleep. He
waved farewell to the Argonian as they each went their seperate ways and prepared, each in their own way, for tomorrow's training
The tsaesci paused when he was half out of the door and turned back and showed Hasir to his 'room,' which was more or
less just a leather sleeping bag Quinchal had found rolled up in the corner of the temple betwwen the hearth at the wall. Hasir got
into his sleeping bag and went immediately to sleep. The tsaesci smiled and left the temple.