They have been tricked, deceived by their own god. Originally kindred spirits on the hunt for knowledge and immortality, they've given themselves tuno the dark currents in an effort to instill meaning in undeath and grant bliss to those not destined for Aetherius or Oblivion.

Their realm, now bleak and shadowy, used to be altogether quite murky indeed but never maliciously hazed and obscured. They would provide guidance and service to the lost in eternal afterlife, in great hedonism celebrating their existence. But it all came with a price too high for mortal spirits, a price paid in one's own self. And in this deception lies not only a tragic fate for these souls but a prodigious calamity, threatening life itself, for he who has been hidden not only awoke recently - he already chose a host to deal in the mortal affairs he cannot, for his ethereality, quite yet dabble in.


As honourable as their intentions used to be, such grim corruption unfolded over the ages being spent submerged in this malignity, the continuous influx they always sought after being tainted by the circular void that replaced the sun in this dimension. And slowly but surely, their continued existence was consumed by a growing shadow.

It soiled their world, transforming it into what it is today and what people in Mundus came to dread. The malformed, twisted plane was part of a bigger scheme. A plan to raise an army, indefatigable and relentless, devoid of the last vestiges of their former being. For not only did the everdark corrupt them, it corrupted all, even the land, the air, everything. Such is the blight that crept and lurked when all they wanted was to create a safe haven and revel in indefinitely.


The blight contorted their existences until they were ready to step through the gate, being flung into the spacious abyss, crossing the obscuring veil no man or mer, not even the Deep Ones, were able to look through and gaze past, the dense, stellar fog obfuscating their vision quizzaciously when they observed the night sky.


With the combined præternatural energy of thousands of victims of clever deceit, over time an incandescent monolith grew in the deepest recesses of the beyond. A vitreous, prismatic structure quivering with primordial might containing antediluvian evil. An alien force so great as to tear asunder the starry vault once more to send his vassals on a pilgrimage to herald the final days. When the crystalline harbinger reached its peak in perverse, tainted existence, it was cast into the endless nothingness of the Aurbis, spreading its colour among the stars, tinting Nirn's sky in a violet hue on moonless nights devoid of clouds, sparking questions and curiosity in peasants and clerics alike about this queer phenomenon.


So it traveled through emptiness, a glassen coffin with portentous capacity and purport. Held within beings without hearts or minds, half incorporeal apparitions malformed with implacable hatred, unappeasable, insane entities that cannot be reasoned with.

Merely touching one would cause gruesome decay and hearing their wails will drive men mad.


But the mortal realm doesn't know there strides ancient death in space. And in their obliviousness these preposterous, farcical people and absurdly trivial scholars failed to recognize the stupefying implications when the nights turned colourless again, shrugging it off in their ignorance, thereby returning to their daily squabbles and petty affairs.

Importless is their feeble luck as it struck the glistening ruins that would be engulfed and submerged in strange radiance protruding from the luminescent pillar that was cast into the heavens upon impact. One had the misfortune to bear witness to such blasphemy, as the messengers were lying in wait, hidden from the world at large, ready to defile and obliterate.


They will soon hatch, emerging from luminous entombment, to spread the plague that is the Blight from the Stars.


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