The Fleshrender
Name: Fleshrender
Weapon Type: Bladed Whip
Ammunition: N/A
The Fleshrender is a five-tailed, bladed whip used by the Crimson Cultists. It sports a leather hilt, at the top end of which sit five leather tails about 1 meter in length. The tails are adorned with a number of sharp blades. At their pointy ends, said blades sport hooks that burrow deep into the victim's flesh to allow for stripping meat from bone easily. This weapon is designed for being more of a tool rather than a device for offensive combat. Its intended use is to rip and tear away at flesh to swiftly expose bones with minimum effort. Obviously, this thing is highly dangerous.
Albeit a tool, in combat it is most useful against unarmoured or lightly armoured targets. However, it may burrow itself into cloth and become useless unless cleaned properly. The very small blades are very hard to maintain when they become dull for their size and large number which makes the Fleshrender unfit for fighting wars or longer battles. Additionally, when the leather tails get damaged or cut away, all that remains is a leather stick, effectively a less than mediocre blunt weapon with which one may cause nothing major beyond mild hematoma.
The Fleshrender is first found by Thorus Blackward and Dark Brotherhood assassin Nephethys within the holding cell compartment of the Ylorsel on the dead body of a Crimson Cultist. It only saw use in active battle once before being cleverly discarded in favour of more reliable armaments.
This weapon is usually wielded by Crimson Cultists who get assigned either guard duty to immediately lash at intruders and stun them before they take a few seconds to morph their flesh or by those who are assigned with the task to collect meat. The Fleshrender also gets used in rituals that require bone to be exposed or a few pounds of flesh to be used within a ritual. Beyond these uses, the whip is not typically carried by any of the cultists for they have their own weapons in the form of blood magic already.
This weapon first appears in:
Tales of Darkness - Shape Your Flesh - Episode I - Chapter IV